-𝘧𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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Then eventually, the day of the wedding was there. Everyone was on their toes that day, running from place to place in which was mostly Taehyung— wanting to be there for both his best friends but both of them were being a real pain in the ass once he would leave their places. Or which— Misun would be in her apartment while Jimin was in Taehyung's apartment.

Thank god they were done sooner than expected because Taehyung was really about to lose his shit. "Okay— Misun is in the other car and is already heading there. Jimin, we gotta go now." Taehyung opened the door as Jimin checked his pockets. "You got the rings right?" Jimin asked while walking out. "I got the what?! Jimin, you never gave me the rings." Taehyung looked at Jimin who turned quickly.

"I didn't?!" Jimin's eyes widened as he went full on panic mode. Hurrying back into the apartment, Jimin searched everywhere he could think of including taking the cushions off the couch as Jungkook and Suki showed up at the door. "Everyone r-" Jungkook stopped as he watched Jimin turn the apartment upside down. "Jimin is being messy." Suki whispered to Jungkook who nodded.

Letting go of Suki's hand, Jungkook walked to Taehyung. "What's he looking for?" He asked after pressing a quick kiss on Taehyung's cheek. "The rings. He forgot where he put them." Taehyung sighed, turning to Jungkook who furrowed his eyebrows. "He gave one to Suki though- right Suk?" Jungkook turned to Suki who grabbed the box out of his small pocket and showed Taehyung.

That caught Jimin's attention as well as he let the rug drop from his fingers. Thinking over to his doings, Jimin face-palmed himself with a dragged sigh. "Okay yeah, yeah I remember now. I gave the rings to Suki and Nana." Jimin stood up from the floor. "You're such a big dummy, you know that?" Taehyung insulted Jimin who nudged Taehyung out the door.

"I'm going to be late for my own wedding, let's go." Jimin hurried in front of everyone. With a chuckle, Taehyung grabbed onto Jungkook's hand and intertwined their fingers while Suki held onto the other hand of Jungkook and skipped until they reached the stairs.

"Noona!" Suki ran to Nana who held out her arms for Suki to hug her and so he did. Nana was still in the foster care system but was currently in Misun and Jimin's care, for a while. Misun and Jimin have been trying for a kid for almost two years now and— well didn't tell anyone until recently. When they found out Misun had damage and couldn't hold a baby due to her childhood traumas— they then told everyone around them.

That didn't stop them though, Jimin and Misun then took Nana into their care. It was perfect timing too being that they needed a flower girl since they already had a flower boy that was Itsuki. Which is why they also held off on the wedding. They needed their flower boy in order to have one. "You look pretty." Suki smiled shyly and watched Nana twirl in her dress. "I feel like a princess." She giggled as so did Suki. As for the grown ups, Misun fixed up her makeup and hair before breathing out slowly.

Jimin fixed his suit and was walking down the aisle to wait for his bride while everyone else got into their places, Jungkook taking a seat in the rows and looking at his lover who was talking to Jimin. His gaze reached Suki who was giggling away with Nana, feeling an overwhelming happiness take over him.

Just then the music started to play and everyone was standing. Jungkook looked down the aisle to Misun and her father. Looking down for a moment, Jungkook wondered if things didn't happen how they did, would he be married to Taehyung by now? They did like moving fast but if the relationship was healthy.. would he be married? Shaking his head, Jungkook watched the bride walk down the aisle with tears.

Including Jimin as well as Taehyung who was holding them in and managed to do that for some while until Misun reached the alter. Chuckling ever so lightly as the two joined hands. The ceremony was beautiful with a lot of tears shed. A lot of people knew how long Misun and Jimin were together and it was just— a beautiful story.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The minister closed the book and smiled at the two. "You may kiss the bride." And just like that, the two shared the kiss that pronounced them husband and wife. Taehyung was a mess at the moment and he wouldn't have it any other way as he watched his best friends make their way down the aisle, Suki running over to Taehyung. "Did you see me give Jiminie the ring?!" The boy jumped.

"Oh I sure did. You did such a good job." Taehyung got a high five from Suki who bragged how good he kept the ring while Jungkook walked passed the crowd with a lot of 'excuse me's' being said before he reached the two. "My snotty prince, come here." Jungkook chuckled and pulled the boy in for a hug. "I can't believe we're all really grown up you know? Misun and Jimin are married.. we all finished schooling and have our own jobs. I have my own little family here. It's all just... so unreal."

Jungkook looked at Suki who looked up at Taehyung smiling, twisting his body half way to each side in a swaying motion with a flower in his hands. "and soon you and kookie can get married too, right?!" The boy asked excitedly. Taehyung raised an eyebrow, Jungkook chuckling. "One day bud, one day." Jungkook kissed Taehyung's temple. "Come on, we have a wedding party to attend." Jungkook watched Suki zoom off to see Nana who looked for Suki.

"Why do I see Jimin and Misun in them? They're just missing a me in there." Taehyung joked but Jungkook scoffed. "Now that I look at them, they do look like a Jimin and Misun huh." Jungkook tilted his head. "Just gotta wait for the little gay willy to come into the pic-" Jungkook couldn't even finish as Taehyung slapped Jungkook's chest. "Take that back ugly."

Jungkook broke into laughter, sighing as he calmed down and pulled Taehyung close. "Don't worry, you're my gay willy." Jungkook teased again only to have Taehyung walking away and Jungkook laughing while running after Taehyung, begging to boy for forgiveness.

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