-𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳

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Finishing the day of work, Taehyung had entered the room to see Suki in the corner with Nana who was reading a book to Suki who was staring at not the book but Nana. Snorting as he looked at Suki who had his cheek rested on the palm of his hand while looking at Nana. "Oh boy." Taehyung sucked in a breath as he walked towards the two.

"Alright Suki, time to go." Taehyung held out his hand for Suki to grab. Frowning the moment he heard those words, Suki nodded and slowly stood up. "Come back soon, Suki! I had lots of fun with you today!" Nana stood up to hug Suki. The boys frown long gone as he hugged Nana. "Bring Suki back soon Taehyung, please? Before I go to a home?" Nana asked Taehyung who nodded but frowned as he looked down at Suki.

"Home?" Suki asked Nana who nodded and swayed side to side with a shy smile. "I don't have a mommy and daddy anymore so I have to wait for a new mommy and daddy! Hopefully they come soon but not too soon because I want to play more with you so come back soon!" Nana giggled and Suki nodded at that with yet again another shy smile and flushed cheeks.

"Of course. Maybe if all works out I'll bring him tomorrow. For now, I'll be taking Suki because Jungkook must miss you, right Suki?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow. Eyes widening, Suki nodded. "We gotta go see Jungkookie!" Suki sounded determined as he grabbed Taehyung's hand and headed out of the room with Taehyung holding his hand.

As for Jungkook, the boy laid on the couch most of the day after cleaning up. He had a variety of shows to watch and so he took advantage of that which was pretty fun if you asked him. Not until the doorknob was turning did Jungkook panic just a bit but calmed when he saw that it was Suki and Taehyung.

"You're still alive huh." Taehyung teased the moment he closed the door while Suki ran towards Jungkook and engulfed the older in for a hug. As they bonded, Taehyung took a look around his apartment. Cleaner than when he left it and honestly that made his whole day even more better now that he didn't have to clean the apartment.

"Well, I'm gonna hit the shower." Taehyung spoke to Jungkook who nodded and watched Taehyung walk off. Turning back to Suki, Jungkook smiled at the boy who went on and on about the girl he met at Taehyung's work. "Can I go with Taehyung tomorrow again?!" The boy asked Jungkook excitedly.

Nodding, Jungkook pushed Suki's hair back. "Of course. As long as Taehyung is okay with it, yeah?" Jungkook leaned back on the couch. Giving a thumbs up, Suki sat back on the couch too and hummed as Jungkook put on cartoons for Suki who was already into the cartoon on the screen.

Minutes pass and Taehyung walked out of the bathroom after dressing himself. Clearing his throat, Taehyung walked to the kitchen after noticing Jungkook had his eyes on him. The chills of Jungkook once always asking him where he was going and when he would be back caused him to feel a little frightened but Jungkook kept to himself.

It was not his business and so Jungkook cuddled closer to Suki. Meanwhile, Taehyung grabbed a glass of water and mint from his cupboard. This was his first date out since Jungkook beside Namjoon- Yeah- Namjoon and Taehyung were a thing for a whole second which didn't work out, obviously and now Taehyung was out trying, again.

Namjoon was unbelievably sweet and kind but it was too soon for Taehyung and plus the two made better friends than they did lovers. In which they both preferred so when anyone asked if they dated they laughed it off most of the time. It was cute while it lasted.

Though now the timing was the worse timing in the world and the fact that Taehyung forgot about the date made it even worse. Looking at the time and it being almost seven, Taehyung decided to meet up with his date outside. "I'll be gone for a few hours. Don't wait up." Taehyung told the two on the couch.

Jungkook hummed and nodded and so did Suki, being Jungkook's little mini-me. "Be safe," Jungkook spoke with a soft smile shot at Taehyung who nodded. Leaving the apartment, Taehyung breathed out and leaned on the door lightly. Why did he feel so scared? When around Jungkook it seemed like Taehyung was on eggshells, still.

It was way too soon to be even near Jungkook for his liking but also it felt like forever. The Jungkook in his apartment was not the same Jungkook back then but then again he would have said that before. They moved too fast and look where that ended. Not again, not ever would he move that fast with him, or anyone in this case.

Shaking off the feeling, Taehyung walked towards the steps and hurried down to where he would meet his date also known as Lai Kwanlin. Stopping in his tracks, Taehyung smiled when the boy came into view, slowly stepping down the stairs as he looked at the time on his phone. "Ten minutes early huh." Taehyung stopped in front of the boy.

An embarrassed blush tinted Kwanlin's cheeks as he slowly grabbed at Taehyung's hand. "What could I say? I missed you." Kuanlin bit at his bottom lip before Taehyung smiled widely and nodded. "Then, let's go enjoy ourselves shall we?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow with a wink that turned into a blink really but Kwanlin dismissed that with a chuckle.

Taehyung and Kwanlin met at Taehyung's workplace actually. Kwanlin is Nancy's best friend and he happened to be there to pick up Nancy. After a few talks and meet ups.. Taehyung said yes to a date with Kwanlin. The boy was nice and could joke around a lot in which Taehyung liked. Though he still wasn't sure if he was ready to date someone but here he was.

Nodding, Kwanlin intertwined their fingers and led the way out of the building. Later that night, Jungkook had just finished putting Itsuki to bed before he was sitting at the edge of the bed. Looking at the smaller boy, Jungkook smiled a bit before he sighed. Not really sure where this was all going.

No doubt he grew onto Suki and was treating him like his own child. Though the other part of him just wanted to leave town because the memories of him being in the same apartment and with the same person he abused for almost a year hurt him more than ever. Not wanting to play the victim nor thought he was, he sucked it up just for Suki.

Checking the time, Jungkook looked to see that it was now thirty minutes past midnight. Nibbling his lip, Jungkook walked out of his room and wrapped up the food on the table before putting it in the microwave. As for the pink milk, he put that into the fridge before he went to shut the lights and left to the bedroom to snuggle with the smaller boy who was fast asleep.

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