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The next thing Taehyung knew, he was near the trains tracks with Jungkook who was making sure his motorcycle would stand before he hurried over to Taehyung who was looking around. "You're not going to.. take advantage me right?" Taehyung bluntly asked which caught Jungkook off guard but it was understandable since he was a stranger. "I- No, Taehyung no I would never." The male scoffed and zippered up his jacket. Cheeks rosy from the ride.

Not as cold as some winter nights but the ride had him freezing. Taehyung was sure he would get used to it, he thinks. "Just making sure." Taehyung nodded with his words. With that, Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Come on, it should be here soon." Jungkook grabbed onto Taehyung's hand and nibbled on his lip as Taehyung followed the boy. "What should be here soon?" Taehyung asked with curiosity, making sure he wouldn't sink into the snow.

"You said you wanted to release some stress because of all the stress over school and just life in general right?" Jungkook asked, swinging their arms and Taehyung nodded slowly. "Yeah, maybe." Taehyung was still quite confused as he then watched Jungkook smile. "Come on. I have a perfect idea." Jungkook winked though considering it was quite dark, Taehyung didn't see that.

With that, the two were stepping up the stairs of the path that would be over the train tracks. Just then, Jungkook could hear the train from afar before he turned to Taehyung. "When it comes closer, just scream. Let it all out." Jungkook nudged Taehyung who scoffed. "I'll scream no matter what if I'm on this path when the train comes." Taehyung hurried to get off.

Though Jungkook grabbed onto Taehyung's wrist and shook his head. "Taehyung. Trust me on this. You'll love it." Jungkook pleaded till Taehyung gave in. As the train got closer, Taehyung closed his eyes. "I'm not sure about this Jungkook!" Taehyung panicked but Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung, back hugging him while Taehyung held onto Jungkook's arms and his eyes were closed as the train got close. This surely made him more stressed.

Though the rumbling from beneath caused Taehyung to open his eyes and look down, slowly letting of Jungkook as the boy moved to the side and scared Taehyung when he started to scream. Taehyung shaking his head as Jungkook seemed to be laughing. "Do it!" Jungkook cheered on Taehyung who was hesitant. He looked so dumb—

After some while, Taehyung was shaking his head. "This is so useless," Taehyung mumbled to himself before he began to yell, his hands holding onto the railing of the path. The minute he started to scream from the top of his lungs, he oddly felt the stress go away. The tensing feeling he felt within himself just, disappear as he screamed.

Jungkook seemed to notice as he smiled and screamed as well. Until the train passed and the wind died down along with the screams, Taehyung breaking into a laugh as he leaned back on the railing, catching his breath from screaming for so long. "How was that?" Jungkook asked with the same huge bunny smile.

"Amazing." Taehyung had his eyes closed but opened them, turning his head to Jungkook who was off looking at the tunnel. Surely it was the alcohol and adrenaline rushing through him but Taehyung pushed himself off the railing and cupped Jungkook's face in his hands as he caught the males lips with his own. Jungkook was, of course, caught off guard but that didn't stop him from kissing the male back.

The kiss was rough from the start. The taste of alcohol roaming their tongues as Jungkook pulled Taehyung even closer. Both fighting for dominance until Taehyung felt Jungkook's cold hand rest against his warm skin underneath his sweater. With the dominance he had over Taehyung, Jungkook made sure he tasted every bit of Taehyung's mouth.

Until eventually Taehyung pulled away and was turning away to sneeze. Jungkook at first was confused but started to laugh. "Okay- okay I'm good, let us go again." Taehyung tried to carry on with the kiss but Jungkook stopped the male and pulled his hand out of the males' shirt and sweater. "You have only a sweater on Taehyung. Not to mention the runny nose, sneezes and you're shivering." Jungkook stated.

Taehyung took a minute to notice that before he pulled himself away and was embarrassed from his runny nose. Jungkook only chuckled. "Come on, I'll take you home." With that, Jungkook did so after giving his jacket to Taehyung and made his way back from where they came from, Taehyung even might have gotten a very long make out before Jungkook was forced out of the door by Taehyung's very close friend, Park Jimin.

When morning came, Taehyung awoke with a pounding headache as he pulled himself off the couch and took a look around at the house that was completely trashed. Wanting to cry but Taehyung sucked it up as he let himself fall back onto the couch. "Ah- no, get up. Your parents come back tomorrow, no time for hangovers." Jimin called out as his girlfriend who was also Taehyung's best friend, tossed a garbage bag at Taehyung in which it landed on the floor.

"You two are big dumb for even having a party here," Misun spoke to the boys as she collected the bottled while Jimin shrugged. "Was worth it though." The male mumbled while Misun raised an eyebrow. As for Taehyung, the male raised himself off the couch and groaned. "Did you get her pregnant last night as you said?" Taehyung bluntly asked since he wanted the both of them off his ass.

"Taehyung!" Jimin yelled from the kitchen as Misun clapped her hands together once. "I knew it! See! I fucking knew it Park Jimin!" Misun dropped the bag to meet Jimin in the kitchen in which Taehyung laid back down. Taehyung snuggled closer to the couch. At that moment, he remembered everything that happened that night considering he didn't get that shitfaced.

Though it was enough for him to try to strangle himself with a pillow for allowing himself to go off with a stranger and scream at nothing like he was on drugs- well he technically was with alcohol but what the hell? this very hot man could have kidnapped him.. but Taehyung probably wouldn't mind honestly. A groan came from Taehyung as he kicked his legs at the couch, whining like a child.

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