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Weeks went by and Taehyung could say things were getting better. Though- they weren't but he liked to think things were. It made him feel better about his relationship with Jungkook. Because even when Jungkook lost control of his own temper, other times he could be so fucking sweet it was kind of surprising that Jungkook would ever hit Taehyung, though Taehyung would remind himself each time that it was an accident or it was his fault.

Like when Taehyung forgot to tell Jungkook he was going to pick up some groceries or when Taehyung forgot to take out the trash because he was on a call with his mother. Or when he came home late from taking the long way back from the gym just a few blocks down due to not liking the one in their apartment building.

Though the other times Jungkook would pepper Taehyung with kisses, and tell him how lucky he was to have Taehyung. They played board games and had a lot of movie nights with each other which would lead into very very- kinky sex in which Taehyung came to enjoy, both finding their kinks with each other and in this case, Taehyung had a lot. Taehyung remembered the one evening when baking.

Jungkook had gone out to buy cake batter and such as Taehyung wanted to bake and so that's what they did. Which ended up in Taehyung with flour all over his shirt and Jungkook with flour on his face and hair. The laughs they shared had Taehyung smiling from the memory because other than the slaps, Jungkook was honestly a really good man that just needed to control his temper.

"Baby baby baby," Jungkook repeated over and over until he was seating himself beside Taehyung who laughed. "Damn, Justin Bieber looking fine." Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows as Jungkook laughed and shook his head. "I am disgusted, absolutely disgusted because he is more handsome than I am." Jungkook sighed dramatically and laid back on the couch.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "In what universe?" Taehyung asked, crawling over to straddle Jungkook who slipped his hands underneath the shirt and held onto Taehyung. "You have that tour later today right?" Jungkook asked, rubbing Taehyung skin lightly as Taehyung nodded and nibbled his lip.

"I was thinking that I should just skip it. I have you to show me around anyway." Taehyung hummed, leaning down to catch Jungkook's lips. Jungkook smiled within the kiss before pulling away and shaking his head. "As much as I would love to show you around, I have my own studies. You should go. Misun and Jimin should be there too right?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded, trying to hold in his excitement.

"Then, you can go but-" Jungkook was stopped when Taehyung connected their lips again out of excitement. "fuck it," Jungkook spoke after a while of kissing Taehyung who was way more eager than Jungkook was, flipping the boy over and attacking at his neck. Surely they did feel bad for the neighbors who complained, a lot.

Taehyung dressed and looked at Jungkook who was in his boxers and on the couch. "You sure you don't want me to stay in?" Taehyung asked once more before Jungkook shook his head. "Go enjoy yourself for the time being but be back soon please?" Jungkook pouted out his bottom lip as Taehyung smiled and shook his head. "Such a cute baby." Taehyung pecked Jungkook's lips.

After checking himself out in the mirror, Taehyung was leaving the apartment and was stepping out of the building in just a few minutes. Taehyung bit his lip and smiled to himself, taking out his phone and texting Jimin that he was going. In which he got a quick reply back. Once knowing Jimin and Misun were already at the campus Taehyung had pushed his phone into his pocket and hurried his way.

As for Jimin and Misun, they've been just hanging around? They didn't know what to say honestly. They tried to hang out with Taehyung the whole summer but Taehyung always made up something like he was sick or that he was going out of town with Jungkook to meet his parents? It was frustrating though, not being able to see your other half.

Of course, Jimin and Misun were still together and each other's other halves but they felt incomplete without Taehyung who was all about that dick now. Though Misun guessed it would be expected due to Jungkook being older than Taehyung and being more mature? Or so she thought.

Just then, Taehyung was in sight and the two hurried over but stopped when they were close enough. "What the fuck." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Taehyung. "Why do you look so.. skinny? Do you not have food?" Jimin asked and Taehyung hummed, looking at his body before shrugging. "Dieting, no big deal." Taehyung smiled and fixed his beanie.

"What kind of dieting?" Misun asked as she looked at Taheyung body figure, the boy furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at the two. "It doesn't matter and stop looking at me before I go back home." Taehyung snapped at the two who scoffed. "Yeah, whatever stick man," Jimin mumbled under his breath, Taehyung elbowing Jimin's arm once hearing Jimin.

Aside from the jokes, Jimin couldn't help but keep looking at Taehyung who lost weight and it was noticeable. The hickeys on his neck that looked more like bruises and the dark circles around Taehyung's eyes. That was definitely something to worry about but he wasn't sure he should be the one to go and confront Jungkook and so he decided that after the look around, he would phone up Taehyung's parents.

Regardless if Taehyung got mad- Jimin just wanted to make sure his best friend was safe and not in any danger while living with a man he didn't even know for a year. Which he still couldn't believe but he somewhat got over it after the past couple of months. The real concern now was... is Taehyung okay?

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