-𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

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"So much was just said and I-" Taehyung huffed out as he watched Jungkook who nodded and cleared his throat. "In summary, I found Suki alone and at a passing out point. Father is said to be dead and his mother left him stranded. I took him in and thought about foster care and all that but while searching it up, I saw your name and decided to come here but now, I don't know what to do. I am lost." Jungkook said it all in one breath.

Taehyung leaned his head against the door and let his head process everything before he shook it. "Police. Before you can even think about the social care system you have to take him to the police so they could track down his mother and find out who his parents are. That's the first thing you do Jungkook. You start from there." Taehyung spoke to Jungkook who was slowly nodding, agreeing on what Taehyung said.

"I don't have enough money for another stay here so I should do it tomorrow. I'll take Suki to the police but... Taehyung. What if Suki is telling the truth and... what if his mother potentially strands Suki somewhere else?" Jungkook started to overthink, just like how he did the first time he tried to take Suki to the police. Rubbing the tip of his nose, Taehyung stayed quiet for a moment.

"We can't think that far. I'll go with you guys to the police station tomorrow as for the stay, if anything else happens then... you and Suki can stay with me until however long you need. It wouldn't be a bother considering I am out most of the time and at work." Taehyung tried to get to the point fast since Jungkook was ready to decline Taehyung's offer. "For Suki's sake, not yours." Taehyung finished off and Jungkook shut his mouth.

Standing up, Jungkook nodded. "Thank you Taehyung. I mean it... Thank you for doing this." Jungkook smiled lightly but it was more of a forced smile as Taehyung could tell. "It's what I do... though I would have preferred you to come to see me when I'm actually working," Taehyung mumbled before Jungkook sucked in a breath. "Next time, yes, noted." The boy made a checkmark with his finger.

Smiling a bit, Taehyung nodded as he looked at Jungkook who looked at Taehyung with a blank expression, their smiles falling as they looked at each other. Just as Jungkook opened his mouth though, Taehyung was quick to open the door and step out. "Anyway, I should be going. I'll come over tomorrow at noon and we'll go over to the police station, yes?" Taehyung turned to Jungkook who walked out of the bathroom.

"Yes, yeah. Sounds great." Jungkook bit at his lip as Taehyung nodded, grabbing onto the doorknob but before he could leave, Suki ran over. "Wait! TaeTae!" Suki stopped in front of Taehyung with his arms wide open. Taehyung couldn't help but smile widely, crouching down to bring the smaller boy in for a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow Suki. Sleep well and don't forget about your lion yeah?" Taehyung chuckled, standing and bidding the boy goodbye.

Once Taehyung left, Suki turned to Jungkook with his mouth open. "You told TaeTae about my lion? Jungkookie!" The boy whined and hugged at Jungkook's legs. Breaking into a laugh, Jungkook patted the boy's head. "Will you forgive me if I allow you to watch tv for another hour?" Jungkook asked, raising an eyebrow and looking down at the boy who scrunched his up his face.

Letting go of Jungkook's legs, Suki put his finger on his chin and started tapping it. "I'll think about it." The boy walked off as Jungkook scoffed. "You little stinker." The older boy locked the hotel room door before running behind Suki and picking him up, attacking Suki with kisses in which the boy squealed and laughed as they landed on the bed, Jungkook pretending to 'slam' the boy onto the bed in a wrestle matter but more gentle and friendly.

"Deal!" Suki managed to yell through the laughter, Jungkook stopping as he looked at the laughing kid that soon hugged Jungkook after standing on the bed. "I love you Jungkookie. So So much." Suki mumbled. Those words had Jungkook softer than ever but also made him quite sad knowing that tomorrow he could possibly never see Suki again, or even in two days.

Sighing, Jungkook hugged Itsuki back and patted his back. "I love you too kid," Jungkook spoke out, stroking Suki's hair as his head rested on Jungkook's shoulder.

As for Taehyung, the boy walked back home with his bag of ingredients. That night he was obviously not going to be getting strawberry milk but tomorrow he would. That night he was going to contemplate his life decisions and wonder if he was really doing this to help Jungkook or was it because of his lingering feelings?

It was stupid of him to even have those lingering feelings and he knew that. Jungkook grew and so did he. Though when Jungkook mentioned that he was 'messed up' kind of threw Taehyung off guard knowing what Jungkook meant by the saying. All that hell Taehyung went through because of Jungkook and here he was, still running back to Jungkook.

The walk continued for a very long time but for Taehyung it felt like minutes before he reached his apartment building. The decision of him helping Jungkook was final and after everything, he would leave everything how it was supposed to be and that was the two going their separate ways. Not again, not ever was Taehyung going to go through what he went through.

Walking into his apartment, Taehyung shut the door and leaned on the door. Closing his eyes, Taehyung let himself have a moment for himself. That was all he needed at that moment was to get his act together and push everything aside. Breathing out, Taehyung bit his lip and nodded. "I'm okay," he whispered to himself before nodding once more and walking to the kitchen to put away the things he got.

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