Chapter 18: Sleepover with the Lynches

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Ding Dong!

Rydel: Oh Wow! Ross is back? And before 11pm! Impressive... (Goes and Opens Door)

Ross: Hey Big Sis! I have a guest here...

Rydel: Who?

Natalie: (Steps in front of Ross) Hi Rydel :) (Shy)

Rydel: Is this...Natalie Phillips?

Ross:Yup :P

Rydel: (Hugs Natalie very tightly) Hi Natalie! Welcome to the house! Are you sleeping over?

Natalie:I am, well, if you are all ok with it...

Rydel:Of Course! Ross has told me so much about you :) Let me call of my other siblings (Shouts: Guys! We have a visitor here! Get your butts down here!)

Riker, Rocky, Ratliff and Ryland come down the stairs

Riker:Rydelllll....Why did u stop the game, we were getting to the good part!

Ryland: Ya Sis! I was so winning!

Rocky:(Scoffs) Sure...

Ratliff: Actually, i was

Riker:Sorry guys, but you'll never beat my high score ;)

Rydel:Guys! Natalie is sleeping over tonight!


Rocky:Why are we always calling her with her surname?

Ratliff: I have NO idea, we should stop.

Ryland: So where is she?

Rydel: Giggling in front of you.

Natalie: Hi Everyone :) I'm Natalie :) (Shy)

Riker: (Hugs Natalie) Hi Natalie, I'm Riker, the oldest ;) and probably the most mature

Natalie: Hey :)

Rocky: And highlighting OLDEST, What's up, I'm Rocky

Natalie: Hi :)

Ratliff: Ellington, Ratliff. Not born in this family, but, REALLY close.

Ryland: And I'm the youngest Lynch, Hi I'm Ryland

Natalie:Well Hi :) Nice to meet you all. So..Where are your parents? 

Rydel:I think in the Kitchen, I'll go get them

Natalie:Nah, Its ok, I'll go and greet them, could you lead me there?

Rydel:Sure :) (Leads Nat to the Kitchen)

Ross's POV

Riker: Ross, She's a keeper, she's so polite, and she is even going to greet our parents.That's different alright.

Rocky: Did u ask her the "question" yet?

Ross: (Smiles)... No...

Ryland:Dude! You better do so!

Ratliff: Before someone else does it 

Natalie's POV

Rydel:Mum, Dad, This is Natalie, the girl who changed Ross.

Wait, Changed Ross? What the...

Natalie: Hi Mr and Mrs Lynch, Its great to meet you

Stormie (Mama Lynch) : Hi Sweetie, You didn't need to come her to greet us.

Mark (Papa Lynch): Ya, we could've gone out to see you

Natalie:Its ok, Mr And Mrs Lynch, greeting is basic courtesy to me

Mark: Well ok, Oh! And call me Mark

Stormie:And call me Stormie, Natalie Dear, are you staying over tonight?

Natalie: Well yes I am, If its ok with the both of you 

Stormie:Well of course, and we realy have to thank you for changing Ross. Are you ok with sleeping on the spare bed in Rydel's room?

Natalie: (Still confused about the changed Ross thing) Oh its fine!

Mark: Well, Okay, I guess Rydel will give you a tour, welcome to the family Natalie

Natalie: Oh thank you :)

Rydel: Come On Nat, I gotta give you a tour!! (Pulls Natalie out)

Natalie: Woah!

Stormie and Mark: (Chuckle together)

So Rydel toured me (Is that a thing?) around the house, OH MY GOSH, I saw her room, Hello Kitty Galore, I want everything... :D


Rocky: Sooo... What movie?

Natalie: Anything but Saw!

Ross: Saw 2!


Ross: (Chuckles)

Riker: (Comes in with tons of snacks)

Natalie: (Goes and helps Riker)(Sets the food on the table)

Riker:Well Thank You Natalie: Apparantly you were the only one that helped

Everyone (Except Riker and Natalie): (Sticks out tongues)

Natalie: (Giggles)

Ross: (Looks at Natalie)

Ratliff: (Claps in front of Ross's Face, dramatically)

Ross: Ahh!! (Falls off the sofa)

Everyone (Except Ross): (Laughing their heads off)

Ross: (Smiles at Natalie's Laugh)

Rydel: So...Movie?

Ryland: Ok to pander to everyone, How about Hunger Games?

The Guys (Except Ryland): Seriously?That ain't horror.

Ryland:Hey, Better than Twillight, unless you want it...

The Guys (Except Ryland): NO NO NO NO NO! The Hunger Games are great! Don't change the DVD!

Ryland: (Smirks)

Natalie: Good Job Ry! (Puts an arm around him, brotherly)

Ross: -__-

-The Movie goes on, Ross trying to get close to Natalie.Sadly, Natalie doesn't really notice :P-


Rydel's POV

Natalie: Hey Rydel?

Rydel: Yup?

Natalie: Could I ask u something?

Rydel: (Sits on her bed) Of Course.(Pats the space beside her) Come sit here!!

Natalie: (Sits beside Rydel)Why did your parents say changed Ross? What did I do?

Rydel: Oh! Well ever since Ross first met you.He has changed.

Natalie: Like....

Rydel: Like, His attitude.He hasn't slept with a girl since the first day you went to school

Natalie: Oh, Well.I'm sure he changed because he wanted to.Not because of me

Rydel: (Sarcastic) Suree~

Natalie: Yes!! I know its not me. (Yawns) Anyway, Good Night Rydel :)

Rydel: Nite!! (Switched off lights)

Ross: (Standing at the door) (Listening to their conversation) (Thinks: I'll prove that I really like you Natalie, just you wait)

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