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Liam was sleeping in a gray bed, but an alarm clock started beeping, interrupting his dreams. "Aah!" The boy fell out of bed before slamming the off button on the alarm clock.

Liam got up from the floor and walked over to the closet. He opened the door and pulled out a maroon vest, a light pink t-shirt, dark blue shorts, and he almost put on a bandana, but he paused and threw the bandana back in the closet.

Liam walked into the bathroom, and a few minutes later, instead of his pink nightshirt and white shorts, he was wearing the clothes he got out of the closet.

"Liam, breakfast!" Mrs botch called from downstairs. "Coming, mom!" Liam called back, picking up a notebook.

Liam quickly walked downstairs and sat at the dining table. "Here, honey, eat up." Mrs botch said, giving Liam a plate of pancakes with egg eyes and a smiling bacon mouth. "Thanks, mom," Liam said while eating his breakfast.

"Honey, is everything okay? I know that yesterday shook you up." Mrs botch said with a worried look on her face.

"If it's about your fath-" Liam cut his mother off. "Please don't call him that," Liam said.

"Okay, Honey. Still, it's not healthy to hold a grudge, you know." Mrs botch said, eating a bacon strip.

Liam quickly scarfed down the pancakes, washed his plate in the sink, put it back in the cupboard, and checked the clock. "7:40 20 minutes to pack everything and get to the bus stop," Liam noted, packing his backpack.

Liam gave his mom a goodbye kiss and walked out the door, and he walked to the bus stop and sat down next to a couple of other students.

"Hey, blonde." said a boy with black hair covering one of his eyes, and he was wearing a large dark aqua t-shirt. " Hey John," said Liam.

Seventeen minutes later, he saw a familiar face run towards the bus stop screaming, "OH CRUD!". A tall, dark skinned girl wearing a black leather jacket and ripped jeans Ran towards the bus stop, her ginger ponytail swaying in the wind.

"Hey, Jess oversleep again?" Liam asked while Jess was catching her breath. "Yeah, mom and dad were at work, and Jake didn't even bother," Jess said.

"You're lucky you can wake up early." Jess said as the bus arrived.

The two teens went on the bus, and it took off towards the school. "Hey, Jess." Said a girl with blonde and purple hair, and she was wearing a purple leather jacket with a white and purple striped shirt under it.

"Hey, Evie," Jess said, sitting down next to her friend. "Wait where's Jake?" Jess realized. "Probably playing hooky." Said a student from the back of the bus.

Everyone nodded and went back to talking until they heard screaming and yelling coming from outside the bus.

"STOP. I NEED TO GET ON!" Liam looked out the window and saw a teenager that looked like Jess but male with black hair and he's wearing a purple tank top and a jacket tied around his waist.

He ran behind the bus desperately trying to get on.

The bus stopped at a red light, and Jake went to the door and banged on it a few times, begging the driver to let him in.

Eventually, the driver did open the door, and Jake entered with a few students laughing at him. "Now that's what I call karma!'" Jess said as Jake sat with John.

The chaos died down as they arrived at the high school. Students poured out of the busses and into the high school, chattering away. Jake tugged at John's sleeve.

"Pssst, John. Remember project hideout? I just found the perfect place for a headquarters." Jake whispered to John. "Good. we can check it out after school." John whispered back. But before John could protest, Jake pulls him out of the crowd and into the nearby forest.

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