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This is something for whitewolf49's Year of the Sun Dragon book that I think y'all would find interesting. To start things off Griffin Squadron is a class that is for students if they have a huge target behind their back. Many teachers supervise them due to them being having bounties on their heads or they possess something others want. The majority of the class called their team Griffin Squadron as to sound iconic. So to start things off I'll show you a picture and tell you their backstory.

Genno SozokujinGenno is an Oriental Wind-elemental that is very proficient with a stolen luxgladius and amazing Wind powers and a very powerful special move and the newest addition of Griffin Squadron

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Genno Sozokujin
Genno is an Oriental Wind-elemental that is very proficient with a stolen luxgladius and amazing Wind powers and a very powerful special move and the newest addition of Griffin Squadron. He is from an Oriental kingdom and his father is the king and his mother a maid. His father already has multiple heirs so he exiled Genno since if he were to be king it would be blasphemy. Before he left he stole two things from his father's vault: a green-flame luxgladius and a mysterious dark pyramid artifact (shown in the picture). The artifact contains something, or someone, that teaches Genno new, dark powers and influences him in very few ways. His most used powers are mostly defensive or to get around places. He can create a large strong gust of wind that sends opponents flying farther than Team Rocket. He can also create a ball of pressurized wind and slam it into the ground to create a large repulse that sends opponents flying. He can make wind accelerate him as it makes him look like he's running at 45 mph. His most powerful and most used ability is what he calls Flourish, which he jumps high and uses his wind powers to accelerate and spin him to make him a sideways slicing tornado of doom. Genno is red with faded dark blue stripes and has very thin but sturdy horns and a longer than average tail with its tail fin being a fan. He is kind of sheepish but bold and would take the responsibility as a leader if things go awry. (BTW he is a lefty)

 (BTW he is a lefty)

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Atisuto is a Fire-Elemental Inari fox that has a creative solution for everything and the second-to-last addition to Griffin Squadron. She is a revolutionary from her home city that was absolutely corrupt in every way. Her art was portrayed all over the city's main buildings to show everyone the tyrannical rule of the city and what would be the consequences of it goes any further. After a while the rulers exiled her after finding her little base of operations and put up a bounty with an extremely high payoff. She joined the Skylanders in order to have some support on toppling the tyrants from office. Her Fire powers are, to put it simply, explosions (similar to Bakugo in My Hero Academia/ Boku No Hero Academia). Not only that, her spray paints also explosive and can trigger it whenever she wants to. With a creative mind and explosive powers she can make the most amazing solutions to pretty much anything. She can launch herself very high with those explosions and create a little bit potent explosion that concusses the enemy. And in every mission she ever went she spray painted something that catches the enemy's gaze then blows it up in their face. And mostly every week she dyes her fur in different colors and patterns so get used to that (and the constant spray-painted portraits all over the academy). Although there is something that she is trying to master: making art alive (similar to Sai's drawings in Naruto: Shipudden). She is only about 4'2 tall and is normally very defensive on her art (she gets it from her father) and her art is mostly references to shows or movies (P.S. whitewolf49 can you guess what she is spray painting?)

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