~ 9 ~

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~ Chapter Nine ~

As soon as we walked out, everyone became silent. Something I had expected. Yet I couldn't keep myself from blushing. Everyone was giving me way too much attention and I didn't like it. Even the children that I spotted running immediately stopped and stared with their wide innocent eyes.

I clutched onto Libelle tighter out of nerves while I looked around. Large, rectangle tables were set up with piles of food placed in the center. People sat in low stools with wooden bowls and plates in front of them.

Libelle stopped at a low platform, where another table stood with Xenon sitting in the center. The two seats to his right were empty while the one on his left was being occupied by a young man with short golden hair. His eyes connected with my own. They were bright blue orbs that seem to stare into my soul.

Was he the product of Xenon and Libelle? She never mentioned kids.

Libelle turned me around, facing the dragon people before me. My hand that was clutching her arm fell back to my side.

"My fellow friends. Please welcome a new member of our tribe. It's a great honor to present Kaida Woods to you." Libelle exclaimed to the small crowd before us.

I watched as everyone raised their cup and returned to what they were doing before we walked out. Libelle and I climbed the two steps onto the platform and sat down. Libelle to Xenon's right and me to the right of Libelle.

In front of me, on the table, already sat a filled plate. Of what? I honestly don't know. But it seemed like meat of some sorts. I grabbed the knife before me and the wooden fork and started cutting the meat into pieces. As I was cutting, I glanced up and noticed that Libelle was right.

There aren't many women. Men dominate the population here. There aren't even many children. I can say that two out five percent of the children are girls.

I looked back down. I took a piece of the meat and brought it into my mouth. I chewed slowly as I determined whether or not I liked the taste. It was a bit tough, yet it contained a decent flavor.

I continued to eat mostly everything on my plate. Not because it was good, but because I didn't want to worsen my health. Something my mother would always tell me when I'd skip meals in order to study for an exam.

I remember she'd make me stop and eat her cooking. Her dishes were always so delicious. She'd create dishes from different cultures, all recipes she'd find online. My favorite one was paella, a spanish dish that is very common in Spain.

I took a sip of my water, to wash down the tough texture of the dragon food. As I look down, I notice how plain and uninteresting the food is. I look up and see that people aren't really enjoying their food. They're simply enjoying each other's company.

I look sideways and notice that Libelle has stopped eating and is silently watching the people before her. Monitoring them in a way.

Besides her, Xenon is having a deep discussion with the man to his left. The young man with golden hair and blue eyes. As I look closer at him, he seems well fit as well. His muscles fill out the loose shirt he's wearing.

"He's our son." Came Libelle's voice. My eyes snapped to hers. She's smiling at me. "His name is Kaene."

"Oh.." Was I suppose to say something else? I already kinda figured out that he was their son, I mean who else would be allowed to sit up here?

Wait. Why am I sitting up here with them?

I turned to Libelle. "If your family are important people. Why am I sitting here with you?"

She grabbed my hands and patted them. It's beginning to irk me on how touchy Libelle is. "You are my important guest. Now come and let me introduce you to a few people." She turned to Xenon. "Dear, I'm going to show Kaida around."

He nodded and turned back to his son.

Libelle and I got down and walked over to a few people laughing. Within the group, I saw five men and one woman. The woman was in between two men, a brown haired one and a bald one. They each had a hand on her back. She on, the other hand had her hand on her very pregnant belly.

She wore a tube top, exposing her belly, and covering her legs with a long sheer skirt. The men wore simple shirts and trousers.

In my eyes, I knew those three were a couple. The other three men were standing opposite them, holding their drinks in wooden cups.

They all fell silent as soon as we approached them. They bowed their heads respectively towards Libelle. She smiled brightly at them. "I want you all to personally meet Kaida."

I stared at them all. What am I suppose to say? Why is Libelle even pushing me to meet them specifically?

Libelle gestured towards the pregnant woman and her two companions. "This is Tiana and her two mates, John and Mickel. She's one of our greatest seamstress. She made the dress you're wearing today."

"Uh, thank you. It's so soft and comfortable to walk in." I said, although I probably could have stayed silent.

Tiana smiled briefly, but offered nothing to say. Libelle turned to the other men. "And here are some of our warriors."

"Warriors? Who would dare fight against a dragon? Nothing seems scarier than a dragon." I said.

Libelle chuckled. "How cute you are Kaida. Right boys?"

The three men smiled along with Libelle as they nodded.

But I wasn't naive here. She deliberately avoided answering my question.


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Posted: 5/26/19

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