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~ Chapter Forty Two ~

After getting myself cleaned up, I got dressed. The brown dress that every woman seemed to have been wearing earlier, was also given to me. It had been laying down next to the warm water.

I'm not sure where Zander went, but he left me alone. I sat on the floor and stared at the dirty water in front of me.

From what I can tell, the land was barren. The ocean was ways down from the cliff and there wasn't any ponds or lakes nearby. So where'd they get the water? Is this water even safe to use?

I'm really curious as to where we are, but unfortunately, I'm too scared to venture out. I'm kinda certain that Kaene, or anyone who knows the truth behind the attack, had spoken out. Otherwise I wouldn't have been given such items. In fact, I probably would have been chased out. Thrown into the ocean at the bottom where sharp rocks would have ended me.

I shivered at the thought of a gruesome death.

"Hey Kaida. Are you finished?"

I looked up by the entrance of the tent. The flaps of the fabric were closed, a small silver of an opening can be seen. However, I couldn't see the person outside.

I sucked in a breath and meekly made my way outside.

Once outside, I noticed everyone packing up the tents and other belongings around us. "We're departing." Said Zander.

I looked up at him confused. "Where is everyone going?"

He gave a passerby an acknowledge nod and turned his head back to me. "They're going to find a place to settle further into these lands. Away from water. The fairies have granted us permission to roam these lands."

They needed permission to walk on this crumble cookie-like land?

"Why did you need permission?" I asked genuinely confused. "I mean everyone is strong. Why do your species play submissive to these fairies?"

Zander looked surprised for a moment. Why? I'm really not sure.

He looked around as he replied. "Because they created us. So they can also end us."

"They can do that?"

He nodded. "That's why we were living on an island. Our ancestors wished to not go extinct. Therefore, we migrated to the island. There we created our own rules and traditions. The fairies allowed our existence since we left them alone."

"But you guys travel to trade and do business right?"

"Yes. But that is still new. It took generations to get to this point. Three chiefs ago is when we begun making negotiations to travel back and forth."

"I see." I looked at everyone's tired faces and watched as they shifted into their dragons and begun their walk into the dark night on these unknown lands.

The more I learn, the more complicated it all really is.

"Hey, Zander. Are we leaving with them?" I asked when I noticed that the tent I used is still up.

He shook his head. "The fairies want to meet you. They have questions about the... situation."

I carefully looked around and got closer to Zander. "So.. They know everything?"

Zander nodded. "Kaene had to report the situation to them personally."

"Then what about Xenon and Libelle? Do they know?"

"No. But they probably will soon. They'll be staying here with us for the meeting."

From a distance I saw Kaene. His golden hair sparkled under the starry sky. He really did look like some hero from a novel.

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