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~ Chapter Sixteen ~

I currently polished a wooden doll as I stared angrily at Kaene. He sat across from me, ignoring me as he only hands me whatever finished product he has assembled.

Ruby and I had met up in the morning and ate breakfast together. She then proceeded to guide me to this hut near the edge of the forest, far away from where everyone eats their meals.

There are only two main crafters, with three younger apprentices. The rest of the men and females in here are volunteers. They come in and help finish assembling and polishing the finished product. Such as what I'm doing now. However, the only frustrating thing about this is the fact that I have to work with Kaene.

I was surprised when I've seen him here. But Ruby told me that he comes here often. He helps with everything, or so she claims. Ruby said that he's aiming for his father's position. But only the people decide who best fits as their leader.

I guess diplomacy is well established here even though one single person makes all the important decisions. Everyday that passes by here, is another day that I learn something new. Something that eases my mind about the unknown of this place and its people.

"Will you stop glaring at me?" Kaene said, bringing me back from my wandering mind.

I looked away and mumbled, "I'm not glaring."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Kaene set his tools down. "I feel the burning of your gaze on me."

I cross my arms and turn to look at him. Fine, I won't beat around the bush. "I deserve an apology from you."

Even though I get uncomfortable and anxious around this guy, my words managed to come out normal.

"An apology for what?" He had the audacy to sound incredulous that it spiked my anger.

I clenched my fists, hoping that it'll prevent me from slapping this guy. "For yesterday. You were extremely rude and harsh with your words."

Kaene leaned back on his chair. "It seems that no one ever spoke to you that honestly. I'm sorry for that."

He got up and passed over all the items he finished. "Polish those and you can leave. We're done for the day."

As he walked away, I mentally flicked my middle finger at him. How dare he manage to weasel himself out of a proper apology.

I picked up my discarded towel and continued my work. I guess I should just drop the whole thing. I'll never get an apology from that jerk. I'm even surprised I heard the words "I'm sorry" coming out of his mouth. Even though it wasn't for what I wanted it for, I still received it. I guess I should be satisfied with that.


About an hour later, Tiana walks in with items wrapped in large leaves. She spots me and wobbles over to me. Her swollen belly wasn't exposed today. She's not in her usual two piece outfits, instead she's wearing a dress that falls right around her ankles. It was a light blue color and strapless.

I'm surprised that she's alone today. Not one day has gone by where her two men had left her alone. It's cute how overprotective those guys are. But knowing how strong of a personality Tiana has, I'm sure she's annoyed of their shadowing. She must've said something to have come here alone.

I remained seated as she took over Kaene's empty chair. She gave me a ghost of a smile before saying, "I've finished the outfits you needed."

I smiled gratefully at her. "Thank you so much. How can I repay you?"

I don't have money but I am willing to do any favor, of my ability, for her. She's basically giving me these for free. I'll feel guilty for making this very pregnant woman work hard for something and not get paid.

Tiana chuckled. "You don't have anything to give me."

Are all dragons this blunt? Or am I simply attracting all the rude ones?

"I don't have anything but I can do something for you. I don't know, any favor you'd want from me in the future."

Tiana shook her head as she stood up. "Don't worry about it. Just focus on your upcoming mating challenges. I hear you haven't made any effort of talking to the men."

I stood up too. I had just finished my last item. I grabbed the leaf packages and carried them as I walked alongside Tiana.

"I don't know what to say." I tell her once we're outside of the hut.

Tiana rolled her eyes. "Now that's an excuse." She stopped walking and turned to me. "But if you're really having a hard time, then just ask for the reversed option of choosing a mate."

"A reversed option?" I asked.

Tiana nodded. "It's where instead of you choosing the men, the men offer up themselves to you."

"I can choose that? Why did no one tell me? This could have stopped me from stressing these past few weeks."

Tiana shrugged. "It's rarely used. Besides, it's an option where you can't deny the mate offering himself to you."

I smiled at her. "That's fine. Thanks for solving my problem."

As we continued to walk back towards the eating area, I thought about what she mentioned. If I choose this option, I won't be able to say no to the guy. Which I don't mind, because the only guy I wouldn't want offering himself to me is Kaene. And I know he wouldn't volunteer to be my mate because he dislikes me too. Any other guy would be better than him.

As we reached the nearest table, a sudden gust of wind blew by from behind us. I turned and saw the creature landing with a thump, shaking the floor beneath me.

I was about to scream when I remembered that I'm living with dragons. That small detail must've evaded my thoughts because I'm so used to seeing everyone in their human forms. I guess I forgot that these dragons are real and so big that I can be eaten by them as a snack!

The Dragon before me was just as big as all the ones I've seen so far. It's scales were dark green. So dark that I bet at night it'd be able to blend with the woods at night. He, or she, then dropped what it had been carrying: two dead ogres.

I thought I would never see those things again. It just reminds me of my first encounter with them. A shiver went down my back in just the thought of having to run away from an ogre who wanted to eat me.

Tiana called over some of the women from the kitchen and then turned to me. "Ogre soup is the best."

My eyes widened in shock and disgust. That's going to be for dinner? I always wondered what I ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I would only guess and make connections to what I used to eat. But now, I guess I know exactly what I'll be eating tonight.

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Posted: 8/18/19

Love all the votes and comments I've received lately. You're all the best. Thank you for reading and enjoying! 😊

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