~ 31 ~

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~ Chapter Thirty One ~

The following day, I slowly prepped the vegetables for today's lunch. I chopped, diced, and minced everything that needed to be done for the other girls to use. I never got promoted from my prepping work. Which I didn't mind since I wasn't interested in cooking their weird dishes. Especially that ogre soup. I'll never recover from that.

Today is a day where everything's going to change. And I didn't know how I really felt. I've come to make a decision that hopefully didn't bite me back in the ass later.

I let out a small breath and finished cutting the last bit of what seemed like spinach. I gave the board to the woman closest to me. She took it and added it to the pot that was hanging over a fire. I wasn't told to do anything else so I left.

I headed towards the opening of the mountain. I wanted to go and lock myself in my room. I'm currently a nervous wreck. I'm anxious for what's going to happen tonight. I can't stop thinking about every single scenario. All the what if's are driving my imagination wild. So much so that I didn't notice that I had bumped into a hardened body.

I stumbled a few steps backwards, yet luckily I didn't fall. I lift my ran hand to smooth out the pain on my forehead. As I did so, I also lifted my eyes to the person in front of me.

My eyes widened at the large man before me. He was tall and wide. His body looked more like a body builder as muscles stretched and expanded without his command. His skin was tanned. Probably from doing labor out under the strong sun. He was bald. But his arms and legs weren't. They were as hairy as chewbacca.

His dark green eyes hardened as he stared me down. "Up close. You don't seem worth my time. But I'll make use of you when I win."

His crooked mouth curved in what I assumed was an evil smirk. However, his words confused me. "Excuse me?"

He rolled his eyes. "I am one of the men who will be fighting tonight. I expected a puny thing like you would be better looking up close. I don't see what Kaene or Zander see."

My cheeks burned in anger. "So you're only doing it because you want an ego boost?"

He shrugged. "Call it whatever you wish. Just know I won't be nice to you when I win."

He pushed past me and walked off. Giving himself the last word. I didn't care though. I knew he wasn't going to win. I've seen the way Zander and Kaene fight. It's like child's play to them. I doubt anything can defeat them. At least he doesn't know that I will be claiming two men today. Who knows what he would have said. Probably more insults.

I continued my path and forgot about the unpleasant conversation that I had with that stranger. I don't want to be in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

I weaved through the large hallways of the mountain. A bit surprised that I have memorized my way around. I don't feel lost like I did in the beginning. I can go to my room, the library, and back out to the open clearing where we eat.

When I turned right onto the hallway where my room was located, I noticed Ruby and Tiana were waiting by my door. Ruby was holding a large plate filled with various fruits, while Tiana had different kinds of fabrics hanging over her arms and a small tool box.

Ruby smiled when she saw me approaching. "We came to get ready with you."

I held back my cringe and simply nodded. I knew I'm in for a lot of torture with these two. We won't be leaving my room until it's time for the mating ceremony. Maybe that's why Ruby came prepared with the fruits.

I opened my door and allowed them to go in first.

Tiana scrunched up her face as she dropped her items onto my bed. "Your room is disappointing."

I rolled my eyes. "Well I came here with nothing but the clothes on my back. Oh wait. Those were taken from me and burned. I have nothing."

Ruby tried patting my back but I shifted away. "Tiana that's harsh."

She shrugged. "What did I say? Her mates will shower her with new stuff anyways."

Ruby turned to me. "She's right. You'll have more things when you have your mates. Now come here. We have to measure you for your new outfit."

I followed their commands silently as they worked. What ruby said was slightly bugging me. They were so certain that Xander and Kaene are going to end up as my mates. And that they'll give me everything. However, the unpleasant conversation I had with the stranger earlier, had me doubting. What if he was strong enough to beat one of them? How will my life turn out then?


My mood had turned sour. I'm pretty sure the girls felt it and tried making me feel better by complimenting my outfit.

Tiana is seriously a master at weaving. She had created a peach colored crop top with short sleeves. The neck was v-lined yet my girlies weren't exposed. I liked it. Especially the bottom piece. Tiana gave me a pair of red leggings. They had belonged to her before she got pregnant. She just had to alter it in certain areas so it could fit me nicely. Over it she had buckled a sheer peach skirt to flow around me. If I wanted to, I can unbuckle it and walk comfortably with just the leggings.

"Tonight you're going to be barefoot so remove your sandals." Said Tiana.

I nodded as I admired the fabric on my body. It was soft. My fingers grazed the outfit more than a few times, making the girls chuckle.

Ruby twirled around and posed in front of us. "Enough admiring yourself and compliment me too."

I smiled at her. "You look amazing."

And she did. She had a halter top dress that landed around her ankles. The color was turquoise and it contained golden designs swirling around the entire dress. It looked amazing with her freckled skin and bright red hair.

Tiana didn't get dressed up. She said she's simply going to stand back and watch everything unfold. Especially since her baby is due any moment now. She had said she felt it, that perhaps tomorrow is the day she'll be holding her child.

The three of us walked out of my bedroom and walked slowly out of the cave. Tiana's waddling has us walking like turtles. Which was fine. I didn't mind everyone running past us in excitement. I wasn't ready for tonight's outcome. After what happened yesterday, my nerves are all a jumbled mess.

Just like the first night of my mating ceremony, the stage was where the women stood. And the entire horde of dragons surrounded the stage, anticipating for the challenges to begin.

Looking around now, I spot Kaene and Xander in the front. They waited for their turn as the other women before me went ahead and chose their men. Xenon was tonight's announcer. He tried not to show his excitement. However, I can see the way his smile would widened an extra bit.

There were only three other girls besides Ruby and myself. Their turns had quickly went by. Or maybe I felt it that way because my anxiety was blocking out the sense of time. Which I didn't mind. I just wanted tonight to be done and over with.

Ruby's turn was next and she gladly called out the names of the two men she wanted. I noticed she was nervous. She had her hands behind her back and began to fiddle around with her fingers.

Both men stepped out and voiced their answers.

Unfortunately, I didn't hear a word that was said. My eyes had zeroed in on a small figure standing at the edge of the forest. Up on stage I can see the creature's oddly colored skin and pointy ears. Along with its hole infested wings. It was only standing there staring directly at me with a straight face.

I knew right then and there that he wasn't here to be a spectator.

*** *** *** *** *** ***


Posted: 4/13/20

I hope everyone is staying safe! Enjoy this chapter as another day comes and goes.

Had to double check what day it was today.

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