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~ Chapter Thirty Two ~

As I stared at the ugly pixie, I suddenly recall the conversation I had with the siren the day before.

"So human, answer me honestly. Have you found my ring?"

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.

"No. I didn't see it physically with my own eyes."

"But you know something."

I gulped loudly in fear as the little pixie walked closer to me. It opened its mouth in order to show me its tiny, yet sharp teeth.

He was here to intimidate me. Which was working. He may be small, but the darkness surrounding him was terrifying.

I slowly nodded my head. I shut my eyes tightly as I silently sent out my apologies to the dragons. I may dislike those beasts, however, they hadn't threatened me as much as the sirens have.

"The ring is buried beneath the dragon's cave. I don't know where specifically. I just heard the cave was built over it."

I can sense her smirking evilly as she silently bid me a farewell.

The pixie jokingly snapped at my foot, causing me to jump backwards. I tripped over my own feet and landed on my butt. I winced from the hard impact but I ignored the pain as I watched the pixie leaving.

I noticed it picked up a small bowl of water that was somehow hidden from my view, in a nearby tree. Was the siren communicating through that? Can she only appear in a ghostly manner if there's water nearby?

She has never shown herself in her true-solid form. The first time I had met the siren, she dissolved away after Kaene had taken her entire body into his mouth. I knew she wasn't dead because she had still whispered in my ear after her fake body was destroyed.

Once I was finally by myself again, I worried about the future. I had told the siren where the ring was. And from my experience of reading books and watching movies; the villain will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Meaning, the siren will destroy the cave in order to get the ring.

What do I do?


My worst fears had manifested. The sirens had sent their pixie slaves to do their job. Those things will go berserk and destroy the home the dragons had known for generations. All because I wanted to keep myself alive. Because I was too weak to fight her threats.

I looked up in the sky and saw Kaene's dragon form ripping his enemy's neck apart. The severed dragon fell from the sky, causing the crowd to create an opening for the dead dragon to land on. As it landed, dirt flew everywhere like a confetti. The crowd of people erupted in cheers and chanting Kaene's name.

I stared at the open neck area, where blood was gushing out. The floor was flooded with it and no one seemed to care as they jumped onto the dragon's body. Getting themselves a better view of the other fight. Even the children didn't seem fazed by the giant carcass as they began to play with it... even inside of it.

I felt my stomach roll in repulsion. The recent memory I recalled had me feeling sorrowful. I was feeling guilty for what I had revealed to the siren. But seeing this scene before me made me question myself.

Why would I feel guilty and somewhat attached to a group of monsters?

Then again the answer was simple. They had given me shelter, food, and awkward friendship. Even if their traditions and way of living are primal, they never once threatened me. Unlike the sirens.

I took a deep breath and looked around me. I was up on the stage by myself. The last thing I remembered was Ruby calling out for her mates. I didn't know what their responses were.

I had completely zoned out. I didn't even notice when Xenon had called out my men. Or when he got off the stage to stand by Libelle near the center of the crowd.

The night was speeding by and it was frightening because in any moment now, the enemy could strike.

I looked down and saw Ruby talking with Tiana. Their mates weren't far from them, only a few feet away so they can have their own man talks. There I noticed Landon talking happily. So he had accepted the challenge of winning Ruby. I can tell because there was blood stains on his naked torso.

Although that wasn't important right now.

I quickly jumped off the platform and ran towards the girls. My feet kinda hurt since they were bare, but I didn't care at the moment. Once I got to the girls, I grabbed Ruby by her hand.

She turned, startled at first but then relaxed when she saw it was me. "Kaida? Why are you down here?"

"There's no time to explain." I looked over at Tiana and said, "Tiana, I need you to get everyone out of here. Warn your warriors that sirens and pixies are here."

"What!" Both Tiana and Ruby exclaimed in sync. Getting the attention of their mates. They began to walk towards us with concern written all over their faces.

Ruby pulled her hand from me. "How do you know? What have you done?"

I looked down guiltily. "They know where the ring is. I saw a pixie emerging from the forest. And who knows if the sirens had made it inside the cave."

Ruby brought her hands to her face. Whereas Tiana, the strong woman that she is, took action.

"Ruby, take the men with you inside with Kaida. I'll warn everyone else about the issue. We can't worry about what Kaida has done. She's warning us now. And that's what we need to protect everyone else."

Ruby nodded. Snapping back to reality and going dragon warrior mode.

Once the men drew near us, we all sprang to action with no time to explain. They were all confused as we divided ourselves into two groups. Ruby, Landon, Mickel, and myself ran towards the cave. John and Tiana went ahead to warn everyone by having her mate morph into a dragon and roaring loudly. He was like an alarm of some sort. Which was kinda cool.

Mickel, Tiana's second mate, didn't want to part ways but he knew he had to help in case there were multiple enemies inside the cave. He was the one with brown hair, whereas John was the bald one. It's unfortunate that it took me this long to finally know who's who.

*** *** *** *** *** ***


Posted: 5/25/20

So I'm planning on uploading a new story soon. Hopefully you will all read it!

Enjoy the chapter ladies and gents!

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