Grape Fruit

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Why is there a fruit named Grape Fruit when already there's a fruit named grape?

*Updated 28 Nov 2020*

Me during the day: I'll study at night when I'm active.

Me at night: I'll study in the morning when I'm fresh.

-_- I think we all know I don't end up studying at all.

"I will high light only the important parts" I end up highlighting an entire sheet wich is brighter than my whole entire future :)

Studying for 2 hours every day? Nah, that's boring people stuff. I study for 25 hours straight the day before my exam. Yeah, welcome to my life!

What I do when I'm studying? 1% studying, 99% tell people I'm studying.

Oh no, I was supposed to study at 9 PM. It's 9:01 now. Missed it :( Now I'll study at 10 :)

Sooooooo, I have an exam tomorrow. Anyway, what movie should I watch? XD

(For more such funny and relatable content, keep reading! School life memes and jokes coming right up in just 5 chapters! I bet you'll enjoy it :) )

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