Random Thoughts

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1. Anxiety is like video game combat music playing but you are unable to find the enemies.

2. There should be a reality show where flat earthers are made to find the edge of the earth. More fun would be:
Flat Earthers vs Hollow Partners: The race against reason

3. A different version if everyone is present in our mind. So is a different version of you present in everybody else's minds.

4. When we're young, we sneak out of homes to go to parties. When we grow old, we sneak out of parties to go home.

5. If you run at 11pm, you are might person. If you run at 5 am, you are a morning person. If you run at 3pm, you are a suspicious person.

6. The only person who remembers what cringe-worthy thing you had done in the past is YOU...

Likewise other people think of the same.
That's why don't get embarrassed or worried about what you did 10 years back, other people are busy being embarrassed themselves. They might have forgotten about your instance long back.
Therefore, chill and move on.

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