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∆Trying to explain to your parents you aren't being treated equally

∆ watching siblings get rude ir raise voice at oarenrs and you know they about to get it

∆"When I was her/his age, I didn't get that!"

∆ "come here"
"Just come here"
" No, you are gonna hit me"

∆ while watching a movie, poiting at ugly characters and saying 'thats you're throughout the movie

∆ trying to figure out which glass is less full to give to your sibling

∆ when you are finally getting along with each other and parents complain that you're too loud.

∆When parents call you by the wrong name and still expect you to answer

∆ when your mom is lecturing your sibling for something you did and you stand there acting so innocent

∆ "wait don't cry, don't cry. Don't tell mom. Here hit me back please but don't make a sound. I didn't mean to hit to you so hard!"

∆ that awesome moment when you hit your sibling and they get in trouble for hitting you back!

∆ a huge shout-out to the oldest sibling. Now we watch younger siblings get away with anything we could've been killed for

∆ being the oldest kid, all I do is look at my parents and how their strictness reduces with every sibling being born.

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