Bringing Her Back

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A/n spoilers

Hulk Banner closed the briefcase holding all the infinity stones and gave it to Steve.
"Remember, you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them. You're gonna open up a bunch of nasty old alternative realities." He said quickly.
"Don't worry Bruce, grip all the branches" Steve reassured.
"You know I tried" Bruce started "When I had the gauntlet with the stones, I really tried to bring her back... I miss her man."
"Me too."
Bruce nodded, he understood that she would never come back to his, or anyone else's life, again. She was gone for good.
As Steve was walking away, Sam went up to him and said "You know if you want, I can come with you."
"You're a good man Sam, but this one's for me though." He went up to Bucky, his best friend. "Don't do anything stupid 'till I get back."
At this Bucky chuckled.
"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." They hugged each other tightly. "Gonna miss you buddy."
Bucky knew he wasn't going to come back his normal self. He knew he would change some way. For them it would only be a few seconds, but for him-a whole lifetime. He knew he would go back to his beloved Peggy. Something inside of him felt very sad and lonely. Recently, he had very vivid memories of a girl. He knew who that girl was; it was his Natalia. His ballerina. For a long time he had heard about this woman, and somehow her name and the way she looked seemed very familiar. Knowing that she was dead, made him lose any hope he even had. Now his best friend was leaving and knew it was what he had to do.
"It's gonna be ok Buck" Steve reassured. He walked to the time heist and lifted his mjölner
"How long is this gonna take?" Sam asked
"For him as long as he needs, for us-5 seconds." Bruce explained. "Ready Cap?" Steve nodded "Alright we'll meet you back here. Going quantum in 3-2-1" and he disappeared.
Steve's POV

I got sucked into the quantum realm and then found myself on an uncomfortable looking planet. It was Vormir. The planet where Natasha died. The thought of her death made a shiver run down his spine. He felt very sad about it. She was a very good friend of his. He was met by the red skull in a foggy cloak.
"Aaaaahh Stephen Grant Rogers, best friend of James Buchanen Barnes and lover of Margaret Carter."
"I am here to return the soul stone."
"Who sacrificed their life for it?"
"Natasha Romanoff" Steve answered questioningly.
"I see, was she here with Clint Barton?"
"Give me the soul stone and in return I shall give you her. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul."
"Is that possible?"
"Of course. Everything is possible."
Steve gave him the stone and in return, the keeper summoned her body from the ground. Her body floated through the air like an angel, her hair flying around her head like a crown. He did some sort of unknown to him magic and there Natasha stood, hands gripping on her head from pain.
"Natasha!" Steve beamed "You're alive!"
"What do you want me to be? Dead?" She joked
"No no no. This is great, we thought we had lost you forever."
"You can't get me away that easily Rogers." She smirked
"I wasn't planning to."
"Good. I need to go back home, I have a massive headache and I am freezing cold"
"Do you still have that time machine GPS thing?"
"Sure do."
"You can use it to go back home."
"Ok, but what about you?"
"There are still the other stones that need to be hidden. Plus, I would like to go back even further in time to be with my girl."
"Aaaahh, Peggy?"
"Yeah, so you won't be seeing me in a long time."
"That's a real shame, I'm going to miss you Steve."
"Me too. Stay safe Nat."
"Will do."
They hugged for a long time and disappeared at the same time. Natasha went back to the Avengers tower and Steve left to another planet.
Natasha's POV

I was met with the familiar feeling of being sucked into the quantum realm. I was happy to be back. When I was "dead" I didn't feel anything. It kind of felt like sleeping. It'san unexplainable feeling. You just feel pain, then absolutely nothing and miraculously you wake up from that nothing. Once I found myself outside of the Avengers tower, I turned around to find Hulk Banner, Sam and... Bucky gawping at me.
"Hey" I said awkwardly
"Nat!" They all shouted
"Yeah that's me."
"How? I mean no offence, but you were dead." Sam asked.
"Well Sam, old Stevie saved me."
"But how?"
"He gave the keeper the stone and in return, brought me back to life. He said it was a 'soul for a soul' thing."
I noticed Bucky was staring at me the whole time. I smiled at him. Finally, after the war we could see each other in peace. He surprised by my gesture, but lifted the sides of his lips up. I couldn't stop myself from hugging him, so I ran up to him and did just that. Behind us, an old Steve sat on a bench near us. Bucky awkwardly hugged me back and I whispered into his ear "We see again soldat." He smirked at the nickname which I used to always call him by.
"Yes we do my ballerina, let's go see what is up with Steve, then we can talk later. Ok?"
"That's fine with me."
When I turned around, I saw Banner's betrayed face. I walked passed him and cleared my throat. Then I saw a man sitting on a bench with grey hair. Once I saw his face, I thought 'good for the guy, he finally got what he really wanted in life. No war, no politics. Just him and his wife.' I smiled at him and patted his back. Sam walked right behind us, later asking him if he'd want to talk about his 'special one'. Steve declined, which I snorted at. How un-Steve of him.
"How are you, Rogers?" I asked.
"Never been happier." He smiled as he thought of the good old days with Peggy.
"Good for you Steve. I'm proud."
"Yeah, yeah."
The day ended by Sam receiving Captain America's shield and everyone else staring off at the sunset, letting the breeze flow through their hair.


Natasha and Bucky both got to Nat's room, to talk about everything that had been going on through their life since the redroom. After the chit chat, one thing led to another and they both had sex. They both woke up tangled in the bedsheets. Natasha smiled against her pillow remembering what a night she had and that she had her soldier back. Meanwhile, Bucky was smiling at the fact he had his ballerina back and fell asleep again knowing that no one would ever dare to take her away from him. He would take care of her at all cost. Whatever it takes he thought.

A/n I almost cried at the last part whilst writing this XD hope you enjoyed. I know it wasn't really much of fanfic, but I just had to get this "theory" off my chest. Good night, it's like midnight here. 🖤


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