23-The Jungkook

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The next day at school, Shay catches me before first period. She grabs my arm and tugs me aside so we don't get trampled in the hallway.

"Hi," she smiles at me.

I smile back. "Hi."

She lets go of my arm and runs a hand through her hair. "I just wanted to say sorry about how I acted yesterday during lunch. I probably seemed like a bitch."

I don't deny it and she gives me a playful shove. "I've just... been kind of stressed lately. School has been kicking my ass. They're shoving SAT prep down our throats and at the same time telling us to start applying for colleges while thinking about AP testing coming up in a few months and then finals in even less than that."

I really look at her and notice for the first time how tired she looks. Dark circles peek out from under her concealer and red rims her eyes. Her overall posture is slouchy which is completely off from the always confident Shay I know.

"Then there's this whole homecoming thing that student council is taking the reins on. That reminds me I have to stay after today for that and-"

She pauses mid sentence and her eyes widen. "Oh god, Bindi I'm so dumb! I didn't read your writing!" She covers her face with one hand while tugging her hair in the other. "I'm so sorry. First I was a bitch to you about it yesterday and then I don't even read it. God, I'm an awful friend, I'm so sorry."

And then she's crying. Just like that. Full on, whole body shaking crying.

What do I do? I've never dealt with a situation like this. Do I, like, pat her shoulder?

I look around and see that people are starting to stare. Where is Alaia when I need her?

I realize that I'm feeling embarrassed by what's happening and then I feel extremely guilty for it. Shay is obviously going through a lot, but I genuinely don't know how to help her.

I put my hand on her back and lead her to the bathroom. She sobs the whole way and many teachers give me a concerned look that I brush off.

We get to the bathroom and I help Shay take off her backpack. I take out her water bottle and offer it to her. She takes a sip and inhales a shaky breath. She looks in the mirror and sees the mascara streaking down her face. "Wow, I'm a mess," she says with a choked laugh.

I chuckle and hand her some tissues. "Are you... well obviously you're not ok, but, like... are you ok?"

Shay lets out a laugh. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just stressed. I've been bottling that up for weeks."

Yeah, I can tell.

"Listen, Shay, you know that if you ever need help or anything, we got you. I mean, we may be dumb freshmen, but we got you. We can help you study or relax or anything."

Shay looks genuinely touched. "Thank you. I know you guys would be willing to help me but I don't want to bother you with all this. You'll have your own shit to deal with when you're juniors. I mean, you have your own shit to deal with now."

"We're friends, Shay. whatever you're going through we're going through too."

"Thanks," she sniffles. "It doesn't help that I'm on my period too."

"At least you're not pregnant?" I offer.

"Yes, because my biggest concern as a lesbian is pregnancy."


I face palm while Shay laughs. I try to change the subject while my pride is still semi ok.

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