34-The First Text

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Zenny and I are baking apple pie when the first message comes. My hands are covered in flour when my phone goes off so I ask her to check who texted, assuming it's Alaia. It's the day before Thanksgiving and Zenny and I are getting a bit of a late start with all of our baking. The tradition for the past few years has been for me and Zenny to bake and Alaia and her family to cook. Then we merge all the food into one household and celebrate the calm of two completely different persons getting along before the storm of the white man ruining it all like always... Thanksgiving is great.

Zenny goes to the couch to check who's messaging me.

"Um, Bindi?"

I turn away from the pie crust for a second. "Yeah?"

"Who's Ryan?"

I still. "... What?"

"Ryan's texting you. Why don't I know that name?"

I think quickly. "... Do I have to tell you about everyone in my life?"

Zenny raises an eyebrow. "Well, you have until now. Who is he? It's a guy, right?"

"Yeah, it's a guy," I mutter.

A look of realization passes her face. "Wait, is this tardy pass guy?"

My lack of answer gives her the exact answer she needs. "Ooh, Bindi has her crushes number!" she coos. She pauses. "Wait, tardy pass guy was also fight guy, wasn't he?"

I press my lips together and nod. "But, he hasn't gotten in any recently! I don't think, at least. And he's actually really nice. One time I dropped a bunch of papers and he helped me pick them up. Oh, and he likes BTS! He actually started listening to them because of me and-"

"Ok, ok, I got it," Zenny says and holds up a hand. She smirks. "You like this guy, huh?"

I'm about to deny it when I realize I can't because Zenny has known me basically my whole life and isn't about to be fooled by my poker face. Her smirk only grows. "I trust your judgment. If you think he's not that bad, then he probably isn't. Just please be careful, ok? I don't want my little sister getting dumb over some guy and losing all focus and common sense."

"You don't have to worry about that," I say quickly. I sigh. "There's no way anything will ever happen, anyway."

Zenny frowns. "Why do you say that?"

I scoff. "Because he's freaking Ryan Katsumata. Everyone knows who he is in our school, he has a billion friends, he's the 'bad boy' or whatever, and I'm just me." Zenny starts to protest when I cut her off. "And I'm ok with that. Really, I am." I put down the piece of pie crust I've been holding this entire time. "I'm fine with who I am and I'm sure he's fine with who he is. And us two, we just wouldn't-" I intertwine my fingers "-mesh."

Zenny stares at me for a second. "Yeah, but what if he does like you?"

I roll my eyes. "Have you not been listening to anything I've been saying."

Zenny only laughs. "Bindi, this isn't some stupid romantic comedy. People that are completely opposite can end up together."

"Exactly! This isn't a romantic comedy. Which means that the popular guy doesn't end up with someone like me. He ends up with some cheerleader and then we all graduate and literally no one cares about them ever again. I'm not dwelling over this, Zenny."

She sighs. "Whatever you say, B. All I'm trying to tell you is that yes, high school isn't your whole life, not even a fraction of it, so it's worth taking risks. You said it yourself, no one will remember any of this in a couple years anyway. I don't even remember the guy that took me to prom."

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