34.5-The Filler

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I wake up the next day around noon and see that Ryan has indeed texted me. Multiple times. But I don't mind.

He gives me his idea for the story and it's actually really good. Not that I didn't think his idea would be any good. It's just a bit surprising that he put in so much thought into this.

I start to text him that I really like his idea and then one of my own strikes me. It should be a graphic novel.

Should I tell him? Will he be offended? Will he think I'm telling him he's useless at writing? I'll just explain to him that I know he likes drawing and that it'll add a cool element to the story. That's reasonable. Right?

I think about asking Alaia but then refrain. I have to learn about this whole liking a boy thing by myself. I go for it and send a text. He doesn't text back for a good twenty minutes which is rare for him and I definitely start to overthink and panic before remembering that it's Thanksgiving and he probably has shit to do. So I go downstairs to see if Zenny needs help with anything before we head over to Alaia's in a few hours.

Some hours and a pound of pie later and we're back home, text forgotten. All I could think about the entire time we were at Alaia's is her mom's sweet potato casserole because oh my god it's so good. I check my phone before I go shower and see Ryan texted back saying he likes the idea of turning the story in to a graphic novel. I let out a sigh of relief and text him that we should start working on it after the break.

After I shower I decide to write down our ideas. Writing something down has always made something feel more official. Like, getting married doesn't show that you love the person any more than you did before, but having a document saying you're bound to this person gives it a kind of special feeling. I also just like writing stuff down even if it's not necessary. I feel most comfortable with a pencil in my hand.

I write everything out in bullet points and stick the paper in my writing folder. My phone beeps and I see Ryan wrote back with a simple "cool."

Alright. Cool I guess.

And then the three dots appear. And they bounce. And bounce. And disappear.

Goddamn it, Ryan. What did you want to say?

They appear again and I grip my phone a little tighter. They disappear again.

You know what, Ryan, fuck off.

I turn my phone and get in bed. Ten seconds later I get up and grab my phone and press the power button.

No. Don't. This is stupid, Bindi.

I check anyway. There's no text so I turn it off again and go to bed again. For real this time.

So this chapter is really short and I want to add a story to it but I don't have any ideas for one lol. I'll add one soon! For now, enjoy this filler :) Also school starts tomorrow again and I'm not ready someone please send help

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