33-The Project

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Apparently the dance was a success. Well, if you don't count the one guy knocking out a security guard after being found putting vodka in the punch. But other than that it was great. Shay is beaming and looks a lot more relaxed since the dance is over. Ryan just looks like, well Ryan.

It's the last day before Thanksgiving break which also happens to be a creative writing club day. Someone just got done sharing their story about Minecraft coming to life which is equal parts horrifying and hilarious.

"Thank you for that, I think," says Ms.Lopez while ushering the student to their seat. "Anyone else?" She looks straight at me. Subtle. I purposely look down and pretend I'm writing something in my notebook.

After a few seconds pass, I assume I'm safe and look back up. She's still looking at me. For fucks sake. Now, I know she won't make me read anything because she's not that type of teacher, but she obviously wants me to volunteer and the guilt is kind of eating me up inside. I know she just wants the best, but I think I know what's best for me better. If that makes sense.

Right when Ms.Lopez is about to move on, Ryan raises his hand.

Ms.Lopez raises an eyebrow. "You want to share a story, Ryan?"

"No," he says, bluntly. The class laughs. Ms.Lopez just looks tired. "Then why did you raise your hand?"

"Well, because," he starts, "I was wondering if it's against the law to read someone else's story out loud for them."

"Katsumata, this isn't freaking court, nothing's against the law," Shay mutters which causes Ms.Lopez to snort.

"No, Ryan," Ms.Lopez says, "it's not against the law, as you say."

Ryan nods. "Cool."

Ms.Lopez waits. "Is that all? You're not going to read anything?"

"Oh, no," says Ryan with a shake of his head. "Not today anyway. I have to ask the person who's story I want to read if I can read it."

Alaia, who's sitting next to me taps my arm and points to her notebook that has something written on it. He's talking about you.

I silently scoff at her. "Watch," she whispers.

"Why don't you just ask the person if you can read their story now?" she asks. Ryan turns in his chair to look at her. He glances at me and my face heats up. She's right. Damn it. Why does he want to read my story?

"I don't think they'd appreciate the attention," he finally says. Alaia pinches my side and I flinch the tiniest bit.

I look to see what Ms.Lopez is now doing and see she's smirking. "That's very sweet of you, Ryan, to consider the person's feelings. Who knew the bad boy had a soft spot?"

The class laughs again and Ryan covers his face with his hands. "Shut up, no one look at me." I can hear the smile in his voice and I can't help but smile too. Alaia catches my eye and does a kissy face. I shove her shoulder.

Ms.Lopez brings the class back in order and sits on her desk after moving some papers. "Since I know all of you most likely have homework over break, I decided not to add to the load." The class cheers. "I will, however,-" the class groans. "-give you this assignment. Our final assignment for the semester."

I raise my eyebrows. For the semester? We still have four weeks left. Just how big is this assignment?

"All of you will be writing a book."


Alaia and I exchange a look. No way we can write a full book in four weeks. Five including break.

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