Accident (edited)

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Chapter picture belongs to Gracie_is_everything. I love the picture and am currently reading her one-shot book. Check it out. A bunch of good stories.

It's been quite a few months since Crystal started to attend the meeting with the egos. Everything has honestly been going well for her. Passed the year with great grades. Twitch, well Glitch, has been hanging around the house a lot lately. He doesn't like to be around other egos, but she doesn't like to pry.

It's officially summer vacation; Crystal has been so relieved that all that studying and 8 hours of her life wasted is over, for at least a few months. The downside, she had to stay at the mansion 24/7 again. She spent most of her days hanging out with Wilford, Sean, Glitch or surprisingly Anti. There was one day when she snuck outside with Glitch and helped him take pictures of people at the park. Now I know what you are thinking, no he was not being a creeper it was mostly scenery pictures with people in the background.

Today everyone was just so busy. Wilfred was out on a job; Jack doesn't come out until 11 or 12 at night, and Dark was around today so Glitch did not want to risk coming around. Crystal decided to do her routine of drawing out at the dining room table for the day.

Anti was in the downstairs bathroom. He honestly was bored as hell. It was just one of those days that nothing appealed to his interests. Throwing knives? Looked like it was going to rain. Watch Tv? Was tired of the TV staticing anytime he got a little to close. Harass Crystal? She was probably about to punch him for saying one more horrible/brilliant joke to her.

Out of pure boredom, Anti decided to go to the downstairs restroom because this was the one place he could get some privacy and this bathroom had the largest mirror.

Ever Since Anti moved into this horrid mansion (and shared a body with Jack willingly) he hasn't used very many of his powers. Back in the days of trying to manipulate the other Egos and attempting to pry his way out into the spotlight he constantly used his powers of manipulation and electronics. Secretly he missed those days. It wasn't because of the thrill of trying to kill his rival; it was honestly the time and patience it took to outthink his enemy. Using his powers to literally control the other egos, scaring people, glitching in and out trying to intimidate his enemy, even the struggles Dark and he used to have were a thrill. The composed smart thinker that thought threw everything against the glitchy sporadic knife-wielding maniac! Those were the days. Now it was taking Crystal to school and meetings. Anti rolled his eyes in disappointment.

He used to always love using the power of technology manipulation to freak Jack and his followers out by making his presence known and demonstrating his power.

Anti was looking into the mirror and was tossing around a green light. He could see the TV in the reflection of the mirror. He was grinning to himself because he could see green, black, red, and blue static lines moving around in the direction he was flinging the green light. Anti would then snap his fingers, and a duplicate of him would show up in the screen imitating every action to a key. This would immediately make him reminisce about the days he would take over Jack's videos the exact same way and randomly popping up and ruining his videos.

" I wonder?" Anti spoke to himself. He remembered a long time ago he got a random power from the followers of Jack. So many of them started to write stories about him having a new power that could be considered as an illusion.

Anti focused on himself and closed his eyes. His hands started to glow a green color, radiating heat. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the light radiating off him, causing a sharp toothy grin to be plastered across his face.

"Alright, let's see if this still does anything."

He pointed his hand toward the soap bottle and touched it. Suddenly the soap bottle disappeared from view. He got excited and peered closer. There laying in the sink was a miniature soap bottle.

"Oh my God, it still works," he whispered with excitement.

His hands started to glow again and a beam of light ricocheted off the mirror.

Crystal was busy listening to her music and drawing her new painting, a simple flower. She suddenly felt something hit her in the back. She fell to the "floor" and her mp3 and brush came crashing down almost hitting her. Crystal looked around for a second but did not have enough energy to stay lucid. Her body fell still, and her head hit the floor.

It only took a few moments, but Crystal started to wake up.

God, what the hell hit me?

She tried standing up, but her legs were wobbly at first. She caught herself with the wall before she completely toppled over.

"Please stop spinning room."

She started to get back on her feet when the ground started to shake and bought knocked her down again.

She peered around looking to see if it was an earthquake but noticed a huge Antisepticeye. Crystal cautiously peered around at her surroundings. With horror, she noticed her art supplies, mp3 player, headphones, everything was huge. She probably was only 4 inches tall. The girl noticed her paint cup was still sitting there intact, bolting behind it. Anti came out like he was looking for something, looking down.

"I am tired of that girl leaving her art supplies out."

Anti picked up her unfinished flower painting.

"But this looks good, like always."

Anti was looking at her painting when Wilford came strolling in.

" Whatcha doin Anti boy?"

Anti rolled his eyes. " What are you doing here? I thought you were out traveling for a job?" Anti said in an irritated voice.

" Well, my tour ended early. Something about hurricane weather happening. What's this?" Wilford looked at the painting Anti was holding.

" The kid is pretty good at this stuff. I mean look at this."

Crystal couldn't believe she heard those words coming from Anti

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Crystal couldn't believe she heard those words coming from Anti. She did not think he was capable of even saying something positive.

While she was deep in thought, she slipped and fell onto her knees, into sight.

" If you tell her I said that I will slit your throat." Anti made his knife appear.

Wilford glanced over while he was rolling his whole head at Anti's childlike nature and noticed something moving. He stared at it trying to decipher what exactly he was seeing. Did it look human? He had to be seeing things.

" I am just tired of her leaving all her stuff around."

Wilford looked around and noticed this was all Crystals stuff. Her painting, paints, music, etc.
" I'm just going to go ahead and take her supplies up. I have a feeling she left it here last-minute to go hang out with Glitch." Anti was saying while moving some objects.

" Um yeah, go ahead I'll take this stuff to the kitchen." Wilford started to pick up things like her paint cup and paper towels to make it inconspicuous what he was doing.

Crystal started to realize what he was doing and tried to take off, but was to slow. Wilford grabbed her struggling body and encased her in a fist to hide her from view. He leisurely placed her in the front pocket of his pants since he had no front pockets. He was very careful with every step he took to make sure nothing happened. Wilford placed the dishes; he grabbed, in the sink. Then walked upstairs to his room.

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