Wilford ( Edited)

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Wilford strolled into his designated room with a struggling girl in his pocket. He honestly couldn't take much more, so he slammed the door behind him and carelessly dropped the poor girl's body onto one of his many desks.

Crystal peered all around trying to get a grasp on what exactly was occurring. She peered up and immediately recognized the pink fluffy hair and the outrageous mustache to match. Backpedaling she peered around for anything to hide her presence, like that would help. Out of the corner of her eye, she recognized a pencil set, paper, and a cup holder. Without a second thought she dashed for the wire cup holder for any type of security.

Wilford tried to position his body, so he could see her, but she just keeps moving around the holder. He just gave up and leaned his head on his hand to wait patiently.

" What exactly are you doing squirt?"

Crystal just moved her body behind the cup, so he could not see her. She knew a cup would not protect her, but she felt safe. She sat on the ground and raised her knees-up to her.

" Go away." Crystal leaned her head down on her knees.

" You going to tell me what happened?"

" I don't know Ok! One moment I'm drawing my flower the next I'm four inches tall!"

Crystal realized she was yelling at Wilford and cowered behind the pencil cup again.

" Kid what are you doing?" The Giant moved the pencil holder, so she was exposed.

" Don't! I don't want you to see me like this." She sat down on the desk cuddling up into a ball by bringing her knees-up and close to her body.

The pink mustached man reached for her but saw her cower. He then lowered his hand down onto the desk like an invitation.

The tiny looked at it than towards him.

" Go ahead," Wilford spoke in an unnatural kind voice.

Crystal got up off her knees and slowly walked towards the patient Wilford. She hesitantly crawled onto the soft cushion of a hand and sat down once more.

The talk show host thought it would be a good idea to bring her somewhere else. So he cradled her against his yellow shirt and walked towards his bed.

This was a strange sensation. She wasn't used to any of this. From the size difference, the giants, to the awkward attempt Wilford was trying to make to be civil, all of it. Out of all the Egos, he's been the most welcoming, but we are still talking about Wilford the gun-wielding maniac. The same one that tried to shoot her several times right after meeting her. He hasn't tried for a while now, but still.

Wilford gently placed her down on the bed with a sigh to calm down his own nerves.

" Are you going to stand there and whimper all day?" The ego leaned against the wall and casually looked down.

" Wait.what?"

" So you're telling me all this time your independent tough girl persona was all an act? If I had known that I wouldn't have trained you all this time Kid."

" I did not say such things. You take that back now!"

Even before Crystal was shrunk she always carried around a knife around with her. Not for protection, but for training purposes.

Crystal took out her knife and pointed it towards Wilford. " Just back off."

The pink haird man looked down to her. " Now that is what I am talking about. There's that spunk but put that away. It's not going to do anything."

The shrunk teen started to visibly relax.

"Finally, that Brat is starting to soak in the whole situation."Wilford thought to himself.

The gun man sat down on the bed, carefully and avoiding the small girl. " Now what happened?"

" I already told you!" She stood up and yelled at Wilford.

" Well I'm not a science nerd, but I have a feeling Dark may know someone who could help."

" No!"

The giant looked over at Crystal with confusion.

" Do not. I repeat Do Not let Dark and Anti know about this."

" Why not darling? You scared of big bad Dark coming on down the platform?" Wilford started to laugh but realized she was serious.

" Like this... Yes... I feel like the first day I came here, but more in danger." Crystal looked down because she was ashamed of herself for saying such things.

Wilford actually placed his hand on his neck and rubbed it. He actually felt bad.

Wilford shook his head. " Fine." He shook his hand at her." For now, but they are going to eventually notice you're not around."

" Then say I ran away!"

The ego picked Crystal up, this time not by the clothing, and placed her in his hand.

" Really that bad my insect."

She ignored his comment. " Yes. You know how they treated me before. This is like an invitation of kill her. It's so easy. Do it."

" I doubt they would do that... Well, not Anti."

Wilford cautiously laid down on the bed, moving crystal to his chest to keep her in his eyesight. "Well. If it helps if I get called away I will call in sick until we figure this out. I'll be napping in the meantime."

He leaned his head back on the pillow and moved his hands behind his head. The tiny curled up on top of Wilford into a ball to keep warm.

" If you tell anyone of this, I will kill you myself," the pink mustach man said casually.

" Umm trust me I'm not saying a word about this."


Crystal woke up in a sweat. She knew it was a nightmare, but not one induced by Dark. She saw the clock and noticed she was only asleep for an hour. The girl peered up at Wilford. He was deep in sleep and snoring, lightly. His pink mustache was moving because of the exhales coming from him. Crystal knew he wasn't aware and chuckled to herself.

She then heard some static and breaking of furniture. " Anti and Dark must be fighting again." she mostly told herself.

She heard something slam against the door, probably a loose piece of a chair Anti threw. The noise caused Wilford to roll over on his side instead of being woken up from the commotion like a normal person.

Wilford's body was already close to the edge, so when he flipped over he about causes himself to flip off and his hand to cradle off the edge. Poor Crystal didn't have that luxury, she slid right off his chest like a dust all and plummeted straight for the floor.

" Wilford!"

She thought that wouldn't work, and this was the end. Crystal then felt something catch her right before she slammed into the floor. Wilford was half asleep, she could tell, but he woke up from her yelling and caught her. He had his eyes open, but she could tell he was half lucid to the world. Flipping on his other side to make sure he positioned himself, he gently placed the shrunken girl on the pillow beside his head.

Crystal heard shouting from nearby and ran over to Wilford, cuddling up to his face for comfort.

" What are you doing?" He barely said getting it out.

" Shut up its nothing go back to sleep." Crystal lays her head down on his neck and gets comfortable for the rest of the morning.

" You know if I roll over that's on you for being in the way." He said while poking her.

" I'm fine go back to sleep." Crystal forcefully closed her eyes acting like she fell asleep. She knew Wilford wouldn't do anything to hurt her, she thinks, so he would make sure he wouldn't do that.

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