Anti ( Edited)

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Anti POV

Anti stormed into the dining room and noticed Dark was in there working on his paperwork. He looked around all sides of the room, like he was looking for something or someone. " Dark. Have you seen her?"

The Dark demon didn't give him a response.

" Dark." He growled. " Do you know where she is?"

He still completely brushed Anti off, like he wasn't even in the room, or he wasn't important enough to even answer.

The glitch demon didn't waste anytime. He stormed over pulling out his knife. He went behind the tall thin dark man and pulled his head back by grabbing a hold of a chunk of his hair. This forced Dark to look Anti straight in the eye.

" Yes, may I help you?"

" Where is the kid?" he growled at Dark.

" And what may I ask are you talking about?"

" The kid! CRYSTAL! Where is she?!"

"Again I say what are you talking about?"

" She's been here all day. I know that because earlier I saw her drawing at the table. Later she's gone! What did you do?!"

" I thought she was in her room. Why would I concern myself with her when she's not out and about?"

" Well, she's not. You obviously did something, or one of your egos did something to her. Wilford and I even found her art supplies still all over the table."

The gentleman demon noticed the sudden release of stress from Anti and took that moment to take the knife away and get up out of his chair. The impatient demon was surprised at first, but that was short-lived.

As soon as Dark's body left the chair, the glitch demon started to get worked up causing his neck to bleed.

" Look I have no interest in this child. Why would I do anything to her? And I already emphasized to the other pliers what would happen if they even look at her the wrong way."

" Not even a few months ago you were trying to kill her!"

" So were you!" Dark's demeanor started to ring and a chair was lifted up in the air and thrown across the room. It hit the door to Wilford's room broke into several pieces. The demon realized what was happening and collected himself once more.

" Look go ask Wilford. I want nothing to do with this. I have work to do. She probably snuck back out with Glitch."He shrugged his shoulders and sat back down to concentrate on his paperwork once more.

Anti marched up the stairs to see if the pink mustached man was in his room. He knew he came back from his job early, but did not know where he ventured off too.

Jack's Ego slammed open the door and noticed the lights were off.

" Really Wilford you come back from working and you go straight to sleep. We have a problem to solve. So Get Up!"

Anti flicked on the light and walked inside.

As soon as he flicked on the light, he saw something scurry off behind Wilford.

"Are you serious? Wilford brought back insects with his things. I'll have to take care of that later." Anti though while crossing the room.

The talk show host sat up, attempting to keep the girl hidden behind him.

" How dare you march into my room and wake me up," Wilford growled.

He peered over and noticed Crystal was attempting to get off the bed. He gradually slid over to hide her attempts from view. "I got to keep talking to keep him distracted and to keep him from hearing her." Wilford contemplated inside his mind, trying to think of a way to distract the upset demon right in front of him.

" Crystal is gone. When is the last time you seen her?"

The gun weilding ego pretended to think. " This morning I think. We had training yesterday I know that."

" ahh! Where is she" Anti growled? " So help me if one of the ipliers did something to her I will personally destroy Mark."

" Why Mark?"

" They came from him, didn't they? There all monsters if any of them hurt her."

" Umm, I'm an ego of Mark too."

Then the two heard something hit the floor with a little squeak and moaning. Wilford at this point stop trying to distract Anti and got off the bed. He peered down and saw the tiny was laying on the floor. Nothing didn't look broken, but he was even concerned for her safety and well being.

He was about to pick her up when the knife weilding demon walked over. " I told you to make sure you know what you bring home with all these foreign insects and diseases you got to be careful." He bent down and was readying himself to smash this insignificant bug intruding in on his home.

Crystal was just waking up when she saw both Anti and Wilford. She was already scared of the glitch demon who was in the room but then noticed Anti was raising his hand to slam it right on top of her.

Wilford raised a gun to Anti's head, and he froze for a moment.

"If you care so much why don't you pay more attention and do it now." Wilford did not move the gun while the green demon peered down to see what he was talking about.

Coward into a ball was a tiny girl. " So? Why are you protecting such a small bug of a girl? Seems like a pest to me."

The pink haired ego shoved the gun even closer to Anti's face. Anti just rolled his eyes.

The girl looked up revealing her features to both Anti and Wilford. Jack's ego could see the small thing was beyond terrified. There were tears on her familiar looking face and marks.

Anti jumped back after the realization hit him. Crystal fell to the floor, just from the vibrations the glitch demon made with his movements. The psychotic ego moved the gun but did not put it away.

The teenager ran behind the end table that was right next to the bed. She peered out from behind the leg to peer at Anti.

The glitch demon sat down on the floor and scooted closer. "What happened kid?" Crystal did not answer.

" She said she didn't know. She was drawing, and then she woke up like this." Wilford commented.

It all hit Anti, just all at once. The sight of Crystal, the story, the mystery. It all made sense. He stood up and walked Wilford to the other side of the room.

" I think it's my fault."

" What?!" Wilford started to clench onto the gun.

" I didn't mean to. I was playing around with my powers earlier, and then I remembered an old spell of mine."

" The useless shrinking power?"

" Yeah, must have accidentally hit her." Anti could feel the guilt starting to overwhelm him at this point.

" Well don't tell her. At least not yet. She didn't even want you or Dark to find out. She thinks one or even both of you will harm her."

Once Anti heard this, the guilt sensation reached its max. He himself could start tearing up, if he wasn't a demon that is. She has a reason to think that but hearing it was a different story. To think she doesn't trust him at all concerned him. He messed up in the past, but that was the past for a reason.

Wilford noticed his deep in thought moment and worrying look. " She said it would be all to easy for you or Dark to harm her and in the past, it was too easy for you already."

"Give me a sec with her."

" Why would I do that!" Mark's ego said too loud.

Anti replied in a whisper. " I'm not going to do anything. I just got to calm her down. If she acts like this with me, how is she to act around Dark? Plus maybe I can break the ice with Jack... I can tell he already knows and wants to calm her down. So keep quite cry baby." Anti mumbled the last part.

Wilford could tell from his sad and cliché nickname for him Anti was trying and feeling horrible about the situation, so he left the room. Leaving Anti alone to cautiously approach the terrified looking girl.

Dark and Anti small family adventureWhere stories live. Discover now