Nightmares ( Edited)

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This story is about done. I only started this book because it was a what-if scenario, but so many people seem to like it. Thank you for your praise. If you have any ideas on how to continue this book please message or comment because I am running out of ideas. I'd love to continue it but just stumped on what to do.

Time Skip

It's been a few days now since Anti's mishap with the spell. Crystal has been by his side it seemed non stop. There have been moments when Wilford would not be working, or mysteriously got called off, so he would snack into Anti's room just to " Steal" her away. She didn't know if he would do this just because he thought it was funny or just to get on Anti's nerves, but it would always end the same. Anti would find Wilford with her. Storm over. Then attempt to grab her back in the most protective yet possessive manner. Most of the time Wilford would win in the end and her demon had to wait till the two were finished hanging out. Crystal would say something, was actually kind of cute seeing Anti act in such away. The glitch demon would always say he is only doing it because Wilford is too unpredictable and unstable. ( even though at the beginning he was the one who cared for her and Anti didn't even think twice about how he handled her.)

To make sure he could watch over her, and make it seem more normal Anti did make a "Bed "for her. It was only a pillow laid across his broken chair with an old bandana of Sean's as a blanket, but it worked for now.

The problem is Crystal is still a sixteen-year-old girl. She needed space. To accommodate her wishes the demon ego would leave her in his room and close the door. Crystal would end up taking a good two hours for herself.

On this day in particular she was a test attempting her nap but was unsuccessful. For the life of her, she couldn't fall into a deep sleep.

She would start to twist and turn, hear sounds all around her. It was more like that light sleep someone does to force themselves to take a nap. The one where you close you're eyes and force yourself to stop thinking.

Fa across the room a shadow of a figure loomed around Anti's bed. Just it's mear presence and pressure it was adding to the room caused her to shoot up off the pillow. She knew something was in the room, but confusion was looming in her mind. Anti was gone. Wilford was at work. There shouldn't be anyone in the room with her. Peering around she just noticed the shadow against the wall. Praying it was something outside she glared while yelling as if the shadow was a real person.

" Dark, knock it off with the nightmares." Crystal turned her body the other direction so her back was to it. At this point, all she could figure was maybe this was a dream and Dark was toying with her, or maybe it was a prank? She didn't care. She would ignore the stupid prank and fall back asleep.

A few seconds did pass before she now heard someone in the room. Whipping her body round to yell at one of her roommates she froze at the sight in front of her. This was not Dark.

" Young one I am not Dark." The figure said in a deeper tone then Mark's ego. Just with that one sentence, she knew exactly who it was. How the hell did he get in here though? No one ever dared to enter Anti's room.

" So the rumors are true. Anti messed up. What a big surprise." He said sarcastically.

Crystal was shaking. She never even considered another ego finding her.

" Nightmare. Leave! You know what will happen if you're found in here." She was trying so hard to contain her body and fear.

Nightmare walked over gracefully and just leisurely picked Crystal up, containing her in a fist. The dark ego started to squeeze her body causing her to do the one thing she could. squirm. Everything else she attempted to do seemed to unphase him. She tried punching, clawing, even bitting his skin. Nothing.

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