Chapter 9

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“Hey mom, so Zach is going to his cottage next Friday and I was invited, so imma go,” I asked my mom, not really much of a question because I knew I didn’t have to ask. She would say yes, she always let me and my brother do anything. My mom was sitting in the kitchen with her feet up on a chair, “sounds okay to me,” she replied.

I walked out of the kitchen right at the same time my dad walked into our house. I haven’t seen him much because he’s been so busy working. “Dad!” I smiled, I always loved seeing him. “Hey Alex, what you been up to today?”

“Nothing.” Yesterday I was with Zach and Lewis and today I spent my time reading my book, I haven’t even talked to either of them today. Lewis had plans doing who the hell knows what, and I actually didn’t know what Zach was doing either, I pulled out my phone and searched my contacts for Zach.


“ Alex want to go get something to eat?” My dad asked.

“yes! Please, can we go to Demetres.” I told my dad, “ I meant like food, food not a dessert place, but we can go there after.”

“ Oh okay, then can we go get sushi, I’m craving sushi.”

“Sure, just let me tell mom, shes going out with her friends, and Lewis isn’t home right?”

“No he is sleeping at a friend’s tonight, he went out with some girl named Vanessa,” my mom said out of nowhere. My face went blank and my mom noticed. “what who is she?” she asked.

“Just a friend,” I replied, and that was good enough for my mom.

“What sushi place?” My dad asked. “ Theres one up the road, just let me get my jacket.” I ran to my room to get a sweater, and my phone vibrated. I looked down to see a message from Zach.

Babe your alive!!

I replied. No shit, whats up?

“Alex!” my dad called.

I ran downstairs and outside, my dad walked to the car, and I followed. The whole drive there I was glued to my phone. “Who are you texting?” My dad asked.

“Zach,” I replied.

“ Oh ya your mom told me you two have been hanging out a lot, how is he?”

“He’s good.” I guess this conversation could have been awkward, but my dad made normal.

Just than we drove into the parking lot near the restaurant and walked into the restaurant. We sat and talked eating an unlimited amount of sushi.

“So I think its just me and you tonight, your mom and Lewis went out, “ my dad said. I nodded my head.

“So what are we going to do, we can go to the mall shop if you want, watch a movie?” I looked at my dad, I truly loved him, but it was so sad that he was the only one who wanted to actually spend time with me.

“Why not,” I told my dad, “ can we go mini putting?”

“Sounds good to me,” he responded.

Just then my phone vibrated again, “Does Zach want to come with us?” my dad asked as I went to go reach for my phone, I smiled at my dad nodding a yes.

Not even reading what Zach said I messaged: Want to come mini putting with me and dad?

My phone buzzed back: Sure, I’ll see you there. And I couldn’t help but smiling.

“I take it Zach’s coming,” my dad laughed.

When we got to the indoor mini put, I saw Zachs BMW parked in the lot. Me and my dad got out and walked into the building. Zach was standing holing three clubs, and three golf balls.

“Hey guys, here I got the clubs and balls already just need you two.”

“Zach! How you been son? Long time no see, and you didn’t have to buy them,” my dad pulled out his wallet taking out a twenty dollar bill, “ here how much was it?”

“ Hey Pete, and I know, you don’t have to do that it was really no big deal.” Zach replied.

My dad gave him a stare making Zach accepting the money, and then pulled Zach into a hug patting his back. My dad broke the hug, “okay get ready to get your butts kicked.”

We walked to the first whole, and I sucked badly. My dad and Zach both got a hole in one while it took me about 5 tries to get it in the hole. “Would you like some help?” Zach winked at me. Not wanting my dad to hear, it was just my luck that he did. “ ahah, she’s going to need more than your help Zach, unless you’re a miracle worker.”

I Know my dad didn’t care if I talked to boys but I still wasn’t that comfortable, I guess it was my fault I told Zach to come. I walked up to my dad punching him in the arm, “you better watch out.”

As we continued threw the holes I started to improve, and on the last one I finally got a hole in one. My dad calculated to scores afterwards, and jumped for joy when he realized he won. Me and Zach starred and my dad, he was very childish, and we couldn’t help but laugh. We walked back to our cars, and I hugged Zach good bye and he shook my dad’s hand. “It was nice seeing you Zach,” my dad said. Then Zach got into his car and drove away, and so did me and my dad, home to an empty house.

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