Chapter 3

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My eyes flickered open, and I looked up at my ceiling above. I yawned and stretch my arms out, extending them all the way, my left hand rubbed against something silky. I turned and saw Lewis, my twin, lying beside me.

“Whaaaaat?” I moaned, Lewis usually came into my bed, but mostly when he wanted something and the way he was squinting his eyes I knew he wanted something.

“Don’t what me, we had plans today, you promised you’d come with me to the mall to find my girlfriend a birthday present.”

“Oh ya, so you want me to help you shop for someone when I don’t even know there name?”

“That’s right.” Lewis replied. “And its 12:30 I’d like to go soon cause I have things to do later”

“Ugh, fine.” I grunted. I got up and pushed Lewis off my bed making him fall on the floor. “oww”

“Get out so I can get dressed.”

Lewis left and I jumped into the shower across from my room. After I was awakened I started to rummage through my drawers. I decided on a black baby doll dress covered in flowers, and a baggy jean jacket on top, with combat boots to match. I got my purse and filed it with my wallet, phone, and a water bottle from my mini fridge. Half an hour later, I walked down the hall and the stairs into the kitchen. My dad already left for work, and my mom was drinking a cup of tea, I grabbed an apple and asked my mom where Lewis was. “He’s just coming, if you want ill drop you guys off at the mall.”

“Sure, “ I replied as Lewis walked into the kitchen. He was wearing a white V-neck, beige cacky shorts, and a blue snap back that I bought him for our birthday last year. If we were to take the subway we would have gotten to the mall in a half hour, but thankfully with my mom driving we got there in 15 minutes.

“Where do you want to go first?” I asked. “I don’t know what do girls like, why do you think I brought you.” Lewis replied.

I stared at him, “are you fucking with me? Fine lets go to Sephora and just by her some lip gloss shit.” I suggested. I wasn’t really the girly type, so I was probably the worst person to bring shopping for his girlfriend.

As we walked to Sephora, up in front of us I saw a short black haired chick walking our way, she wore black tights, and a tight strapless crop top showing her belly piercing, as she got closer I could see her boobs pushed up to her neck with the same amount of make-up that a clown would be wearing. All of a sudden she yelled in a really squeaky voice, “O-M-G! Lewis!” She ran up and hugged my brother, holding him in an embrace and rubbing his back longer then need be.

“Samantha, hey um can I talk to you later I’m kind of busy right now.” My brother replied.

“The last time you told me you were busy and would talk to me later was the morning you were leaving my bed.” She said looking at me rolling her eyes. “Who’s your friend?”

Lewis went to reply, but I interrupted, “I’m his sister, and we have things to do like shop for his girlfriend’s birthday.” I crossed my arms and looked at Lewis, what the hell? I knew he played girls, he was popular and good looking, but I really hated to hear about it because I knew what it was like to be played. It’s so ironic though that he treats most girls like crap, and is so defensive about me. We were close, but I really didn’t want to hear about his sex life all the time.

Samantha replied, “Oh you’re still dating Jill, that’s cool, well you know if you’re ever up for some, I guess you have my number, I’ll let you to go.” And kissed my brother on the chick before walking away.

I turned to Lewis, “what the hell dude?”

“oh common Alex, she was just a one-time hook up,  don’t judge, besides me and Jill have an open relationship, well it’s not really a titled relationship, more like a sleep together thing, but you know I need to get her something or else she be all annoying and think I forgot about her and shit.” Lewis would have gone on and on if I didn’t stop him.

“So her names Jill.” Lewis rolled his eyes at me. “Okay, I get it, and I don’t care let’s just go get her something so you can go do what you have to do later.” I said.

“Thank you, what do you have planned later?” I really didn’t have plans; I would probably stay at the mall, or go home and watch some TV.

“Nothing.” I replied. “Common Alex, why don’t you ever go out and do something? Why don’t you hang with your friends? If you want, my later plans were Jill’s party, you can come. “Lewis didn’t like to mention the parties he was going to because he knew I never went to any of them; he sometimes offered to bring me even though he knew I would say no, I just didn’t fit in with his people “No thanks.” I said.

When we finally got to Sephora, I walked around with Lewis trying to help him find something.

All of a sudden my phone buzzed, I picked it up expecting my mom to know when she should pick us up, but instead it was an unknown number.

Hey rebel, you busy later, I got a drug deal going down , wanna join?  Not having any idea who it was I replied:

Shit, maybe another time, I already have plans for a gang bang tonight.

Lol!! Seriously, you free I really wanna chill, it was so good seeing you yesterday. The stranger replied, and then it clicked, it was Zach, I didn’t think he would actually message.

Even though I knew it was him I said:

Who is this?

Sorry, I know you’re so popular and always giving your number out to tons of guys, my mistake, I should have mentioned my name earlier, its Zach.

I couldn’t help but smirk.

I sent back. I didn’t choose the popular life, the popular life chose me. I’m at the mall with Lewis, helping him get his “girlfriend” a gift. But if you want you can pick me up in about an hour.

“Alex!!” Lewis yelled, before I could stop myself I bumped into a shelf filled with nail polish knocking half of them on the floor. Everyone turned their heads, making me the center of attention, “Watch where you’re going,” Alex said walking back to me, we both got down on our knees and started to pick up all the nail polishes.” Sorry.” I said.

We got up and continued to walk around; I looked back at my phone.

Damn someone’s demanding. I’ll be there, wouldn’t want to disappoint.

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