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every body was in the living room and I was on my way to the bathroom as Sam was on his way to the living room. Since Sam was the first one found he paid for dinner. We just postmated some McDonald's. I handed him a $5 bill and told him that was my part of the payment. He pushed my hand back. "You can pay me another way." He said winking. I blushed. I went to the bathroom Jake followed saying that he was getting something from his room. He came up behind me and gave me a hug from behind. I looked up to see Jake I giggled and blushed and he smiled. "Your beautiful Y/n." He said while blushing. I turned around with my arms folded in-between our chests as his hands were still around me still looking up i said. "Your not to bad yourself." He smiled an kissed me on the forhead. "There gonna get suspicious." I said
He let go "sorry just got caught in the moment ya know." It's ok Jake" I said laughing I went back to the living room Sam was sitting on the love sac Corey on the other one Colby was sitting on the couch by Sam so I sat right by Colby Jake went upstairs a couple minutes later he comes down with a few blankets he gave a blanket to Corey and Sam and sat right next to me almost on top of me he covered me him and Colby up with the last one. Jake leaned against me makeing me lean on Colby. Colby put his arm around me and Jake put his hand on my thigh. I put my left hand on Colby's though and my right and was playing with Jake's hair. Jake got up to use the bathroom Corey and Sam fell asleep I felt something grip my ass so I looked up at Colby he looked down at me and kissed me I swear I'm going to fall in love with him. We heard the toilet flush so we stopped Jake walked in and said. "Hey Y/n I'm going to bed I'm pretty tired." "Ok I'll be right there." I said back. " Okiiie see you there." He said smiling and running upstairs. I looked up at Colby who was looking to see if Jake could see us and with a swift movement I was on top of him. I straddled him as we began to make out he had both hands on my ass while my hands where right above his shoulders. I started grinding on him as I felt something growing. "Wanna fix that." I said. "Don't tease me if your not going to be in my room tonight babygirl I don't wanna make your boyfriend mad." "I sat up we're not dating." "Not yet." "Anyway I'mma go so he doesn't get suspicious." "Ok bye baby girl." I kissed him again and got up but when I did I ran my hand all the way down making sure to grip his member a little bit making him moan he grabbed my ass as j was leaving.

To be continued...

I'm going to be updating every other day if I can🙂💯 fixing to come out with new stories😁 and sorry I changed the total and cover pic but I will make o e all about Jake but the plot changed a little but that's ok plz vote and follow me

And congrats to Sam and Colby for hitting g 3 mil🎉🎊👏🏼👏🏼

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