my love for you

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I ran up to the bathroom door I knocked "Jake! Plz come out!" I said."why?" He said sounding sad. "Because I-i love you to!" I scream and drop to my knees crying. The bathroom door opens and I look up to See Jake with tears in his eyes. He drops to his knees and hugs me. We both just sit there and cry for about 10 minutes. I pull away Jake pulls ack and stands up he helps me up and pulls me in a hug his arms around me make me feel safer than ever I look up to see his red eyes from all the crying. He leans in and we kiss passionately. "Jump." He wispered I obediently jumped and wrapped my legs around him. He carried me up to his room and we just layed there. We ended up falling asleep.

*Time skip* *morning*

I woke p in Jake's arms. I got up slowly trying not to wake him up I made my way downstairs and started breakfast I felt arms wrap around me thinking it was Jake I turned around saying hey baby. To my surprise it wasn't Jake it was Sam!? Why is Sam holding g me. "Hi babe" he said with a smirk on his face. Remember when I said you can pay me another way. Well you can do that now." He said leaning in and smashing his lips against mine. I heard footsteps pacing towards me and Sam. Mind you I was trying to get Sam off of me. Then Colby grabs sam and pulls him off if me. "Wtf are you doing g bro!?" Colby yells. "She owes me! Stay out of it!" "Stay off of her!" colby yelled. "Why should I!?" Sam screamed at the top of his lungs. "1 I love her! And 2!" Colby pionted behind him. There she was... Katrina Stuart. Sam let go of me and his hands dropped. "Sam?".... "But why!?"..... "Baby! Samtried yelling but was cut off by Kat "no! Don't call me that! Don't call me anything but single!" She strated crying and running out of the house. "Damn-it! She should've been at work!!!" Sam yelled. "Well you know what she took today off bcuz look at the date!" Colby yelled. It's your 4 year anniversary! Good job ya done ruined it!" Colby yelled. "You know what I don't give a fuck! I want Y/n!!" He yelled. "Well you can't have her cuz she's mine!" Jake yelled. Great now everybody's mad bcuz of me. I slipped under Sam's arm and ran through the living room to the front door jumped in my car and went back to my apartment. I was still in Jake's clothes I left my favorite outfit at there house but I didn't care at the moment. I sat in my car and cried. *Your thoughts*.   *Why... How did you break that much friendship in just one morning?" I got an Idea started my car and drove to Kat's house on my way there. I called Sam.

*Conversation with you and Sam*

Y:Sam I need you to do me a favor.

S: what do you want?

*It sounded like he was crying*

Y: I need you to get your camera and pretend it was a prank ok.

S: she won't believe me

Y:that why I'm on my way.

S: wat about Katrina coming in the room.

Y:say the audio cut out. Go film an intro.

S: thank you Y/n I owe you one

Y: yea you need to ft me and get the roommates together

S: okay

Sam facetimed you and got the rest of the house. Everybody sat around as you were still driving to Kat's. "Ok so guys I need y'all to help me out if you rlly love me." You said smiling. "Wat is it?" Jake asked. "I need y'all to tell Kat that the thing Sam did to me earlier was a prank ok" "what do I get if I do?" Jake asked. "It's a surprise hon!".  "Bet!" Jake said. "what about me?" Colby asked. It's a surprise hon!" You siad in the same hyped tone. " Now I don't feel special." Jake said pouting. "Sorry babe!" You said you ding upset but anyway get set up! I'm at Kat's rn." "Oh damn!" Sam said. I hung up and knocked on the door. "What do you want!" Kat yelled sounding rlly sad. "Let me in plz I need to talk to you!" I said *click* "you have one minute." She said. "Welcome to the prank waaarrrrr!" I yelled. She slammed the door. "God damn iiiiiittttt!!!!!!" She said yelling. She came out o the house. "Take me to the house!" She said. We got in my car in a long silence. Kinda awkward. We got to the house Sam ran ou the door trying to give her a hug. She pushed him back a little. Why!?" She said almost crying. "Baby it was a prank" he said pouting "I love you and I would never do that to you!!!" She gave him a hug "don't pull that shit again!" She said. "I won't." "I got a question for you sam!" "What is it?" "Will you be my boyfriend??" "Hmmmm why not." He said she punched him on the arm "quiiit!" She said laughing. "Haha yeah I'll be your boyfriend!" He said laughing. They both went inside and into Sam's room. I'm glad I got them back together now lets fix the rest of the friendships I ruined.☺️

I am sorry I skipped a day so I wrote 936 words🙃 hope you like it I am going to finish it soon and start a story for requests so vote if y'all want that go vote on my other stories!! Byyyye☺️

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