last time

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I got back to the house and packed up my stuff I drove back to my apartment *ding* I looked down to see that I got a text from Jake

Jake: where is all your stuff?,

You: I have it with me.

Jake: why

You: because I'm done with all the shot with the traphouse

Jake:. What shit

You: I love you Sam and colby maybe even Corey a little bit but I don't know who I want I love all of you but I don't know who to choose

Jake: then just be with me and it will all be over and done with

You: I wish it was that easy jake but if I choose you then can Sam and colby wouldn't be my friends

Jake: they will still be your friends believe it or not but the save thing happened with Amanda and now she's friends wit Sam and colby and dating uncle Elton

You: really!?

Jake: Yes

Your: is there anyway I could possibly come back

Jake: yes absolutely

You: ok I'm omw

Jake: ok see you in a bit 😚

You: ok Jake

*End of texts*

I turned around and went to McDonald's I got what Sam Colby and Jake usually gets and I got me a 10 piece nugget with a large strawberry banana smoothie. When I got back I called them down for a group meeting and Sam said that it was important they all got down and I gave them there food "ok so I needed to talk to y'all about something very important. So as you all know we all love each other y'all love each other and me and I love all of you but you know I can only be with one person but I'm not gonna do a competition but Sam you and kat are like so close and all you might get back together and Colby we don't need to talk about that so I'm gonna have to choose Jake I want to be with all of you it's just I didn't know who to pick so I thought about it allot and Jake it's my choice u still wanna be getting with y'all and everything but nothing now I still love you guys but I can't handle any pain."come got up and walked to stand in front of me "I'm so sorry that I want the one who is gonna treat you right but I love you and play kiss me one last time." I was staring into his eyes before leaning in and smashing my lips against his as my arms wrapped around his neck and his arms wrapped around me waist I pulled back and laid my head on his should nudging my nose into his neck we squessed each other while swaying side to side "ok Colby she's my girlfriend!" Jake said sounding annoyed he let go and went upstairs Sam came up to me and kissed me and hugged me tight and he went to bed I walked over to Jake and sat on his lap facing him we started kissing it turned into a heated make out he picked me up and took me to his room he laid me down in the bed and laid next me  then we fell asleep.

So this is the last chapter hope you liked it I will be coming out with more books that are better so make sure you follow me and check out my insta where I will be posting updates
Go check out my other book but I really hope you liked it byeeeeee

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