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Colby's P.O.V.
I walked into the bathroom to see if Y/n was in there. I wish I just stayed in my room. I seen her and Sam kissing

Your P.O.V.
Sam had his hands on my hips as we were kissing we heard a camera shutter you both looked over really quick to see what happened to see Colby running. "Shit!" Sam yelled and started running after him. I got off the counter an ran outside. "He left!" Sam said breathing heavily. I got in my car and drove I knew where he would be. I went to a forest where Colby had brought me before I went to the spot where we were and sure enough he was there. "Col-" I said before he cut me off. "Just don't!" He yelled. "I-i-" I said almost crying. He stood up and turned to me. "You what.  You say you love me then leave me!?" He said as I fell to my knees and started balling. "If you loved me whyed you leave me?" He asked calmy but still sad. "I-i" Is all I could say because I was crying so much. He just stood there staring at me crying. I looked at him and he looked away. I stood up as walked to him almost falling I fell into his chest and squeezed the sides of his shirt. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushede away. "no." He said casing me to cry even more. "Colby!" I yelled. "what!-whatthe fuck do you want just say it spit it out! He yelled. "I don't know what to do I don't know who I love I love you Sam and Jake but I can only have one you make me feel different than them and they make me feel different than you I just don't know who to love I'm so confused!" I said still balling. I put my hands over my eyes and just stood there in front of him crying. I felt his arms wrap around me. *Ding* i looked down on the ground at Colby's phone


Shea🌹❤️🤞🏼: hey baby when are you gonna come over you were supposed to be here by now?😘❤️

After I read that I looked at Colby
"Really!?" I said pushing him away. "Y/n it's really not what you think I-i can explain!" He said "no Colby I have a good reason but you you just thinks it's ok too do that and blame me!?" "No it's not what you think!" "Then what is it!?" You yell out of anger and sadness. "Its-"

Figure out what colby says in the next book and I think I'm gonna end this short bcuz I have ideas for a new book go check out my other book/books for more interesting stories plz vote and follow me❤️🌹

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