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"Kirito!" Kirito wakes up and he's in the hospital with all of his friends around him. "What happened?" He asked so confused in how he got there.

"You've been in the hospital for a few days!" Asuna said worried. "What? Really?" He asked. "You passed out in ALO and you weren't waking up and your pulse was low so I called the police for help and you've been here ever since." Kiritos eyes go wide once he remembers what happened.

"Has anyone been in contact with Xena?!" He was really worried and they all looked down. "We've tired and well.. She hasn't been on ALO or answered any of her texts or calls. We tried to call the cops but, we don't know where she lives."  Klein says sadly.

"I do. We need to go now." Kazuto tried to get up but his friends pushed him back down. "You need to rest." Then he was pushed back down by his friends. He was bitching and complaining the whole time.

1 month later

Kirito's pov

I looked over the freshly built grave and frowned. It's been a month since Akane died. I haven't played ALO or really talked to anyone besides my sister.

I placed the flowers down on the grave, "I miss you, Yui misses you too. We both love you. I wish you were here." I sighed then left the grave. I looked down at my feet on the ground and I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I just shrugged I'm leaving a Cemetery after all.

I continue to walk home saying hi to the few neighbors I passed on my way. I guess I'll play ALO today. I haven't talked to Yui in awhile. Or the others, and Akane aka Xena would want me too. Watching her body get buried.. It was heart breaking. It still is when I think about it.

Once i make it home i say hi to my sister. "Hey, I'm going to go log in to ALO." She gets the biggest smile on her face which makes me smile. "Yay! I'll meet you there Kazu." I nod and walk to my room closing my bedroom door. I take my shoes off and change into something comfy and begin to get ready for ALO. Once the Nerve Gear is on i take a deep breath and closed my eyes, "Link Start!" I say and i begin to feel myself being transferred inside the game.

As soon as I logged in I was met with Yui in our little cabin. It made me depressed until I looked on the couch and seen her there.

"Xena?" I asked she looked at me and smiled. She ran over to me and we hugged. I had the biggest grin on my face. "How is this possible?" I asked. "I have no idea. All I remember is right before I died a screen popped up asking if I'd like to connect my DNA coding to something. I don't know what it meant by DNA coding but I knew that I'd connect myself to you. Well your gear." I can't believe this. All these days I've spent suffering over losing her i could of been happy because she's been here the whole time. But wait.. She has no body, how will we ever get her back to the real word?

"Wait, Xena are you dead?" I asked, it's a good question, is she dead? She shakes her head. "Apparently I have coding in my blood or something that was actived as soon as I first Played SAO when it lunched. so whenever I log into a new game it doesn't let me log out because it thinks I'm apart of its programing. It's confusing, but its all i got out of the system." She giggled closing her eyes smiling up at me. I smiled back placing a hand on the top of her head.

"All that makes sense is that I love you and I'm glad you're here." I seen a blush escape to her face, she's adorable. "You're such a flirt. Anyways why don't you go wake up Yui she's sleeping in her bed. She's been excited for a long time to see you and tell you that I'm apart of your Nerve Gear." I nod kissing her forehead and walked over to Yui's bed, shaking her shoulder waking her up.

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