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Xena's pov

"So You're going to convert to GGO?" Kirito nods. "I have to. But I want you to stay here maybe people won't notice I'm gone. Tell them we got into a fight or something." I giggled. "Okay, will do Mister black swordsmen." He looks at me with a smile. "Now isn't the time." I giggled, he told me that when I call him that it turns him on. I don't know why, but only when I say it I guess, I don't know.

"Okay, well just go do your job, I'll see you when you get back, okay." He nods and gives me a kiss before logging out. I sighed and look at Yui. "Are you okay Mommy?" I nod. "Yeah, I just wish that I could do more for him, or be out there with him, there's only so much I can do from inside here." Yui frowns. "Daddy loves you Mommy. He doesn't care if you're out there or in here."

"Thank you Yui. You're a sweetheart. But there's no future with me. He'll get older and he'll want thing's I won't be able to provide for him, and then what happeneds if he grows old and doesn't play VR games anymore. i just don't want him to put his life on hold for me."

"Daddy, will always love you. And he loves full dive VR games. So he'll always be here with us."

"What if he wants to have another kid, give you a little sister or little brother in the future?" Yui smiled. "Really?! That would be cool! I'll be an older sister one day!" I laugh at her, shes amazing.

Then Asuna logs in along with Leafa and Silica. Lisbeth said she'd be on soon. So did Klein. "Aussie. I missed you guys, Sill and LeeLee." They all looked at me funny.

"What did you guys think of your new nicknames?" I asked. "Terrible." Leafa said. "Rude! Aussie loves her nickname." Then i hugged Asuna she giggles hugging me back. "Because her nickname is cute!" Silica said, she's adorable.

I looked at the time its like 1, Kirito should be in GGO by now right?

"Uh.. Xena.. What's happening?" Leafa asked looking terrified. "What?" Then i looked down, my hands were turning into coding. I screamed.

"Mommy, your okay, I thought this might happen, but i didn't think it would." Yui said trying to calm me down. "What's happening?" I asked worried, "Am i dying? No.. Since Kirito converted over and we were linked together, I'm converting over too right?" Yui nods, "Yeah, but you'll be okay Mommy. I'll come with you." I put up my hand and shake my head. "No stay with the others and explain this to them, I've played shooting games before, I'll be fine." Then i let the system do its work.

I spawned in GGO, the dark colored place, the smell of Oil and engines of cars filled My nose and ears. Luckily I spawned in my normal clothes. Then I was pushed up against a wall, "Woah, your hot! I'll give you 300 thousand credits to hold my hand!!" I looked at this lunatic. Well, 300 thousand sounds good to me. "Make it 4 and I'll walk down these stairs with you." He nods. "Deal!" He grabs my hand and we walked down the stairs.

He gives me my money And it was as simple as that, is it wrong to hold another guys hand? No.. Is it? No it was harmless not liked I Wanted to. I just sighed then started to walk into town, I've played plenty of games just like GGO so i already get the jist of everything here.

I had a lot of people hit on me, probably because i looked like my avatar from AOL well and SAO and there doesn't seem to be many Girls in this game.

I decided to buy some Gear for here. I might as well enter the B.O.B tournament, I mean I'm already here and who better to help Kirito? I decided to practice shooting my guns I bought, well and a Sword I have. Well actually I have all my things from AOL here. Usually you don't right?

I can't use them here can I? I mean.. They have Photon Swords here.. So it's kind of a sword... I think I should buy something not so Flashy I'm wearing all pink. Oh well, I don't care.

I go to sign up for B.O.B and it's asking for all my personal information. I mean, technically I'm dead, and well I'm not even Human. So I don't care. I literally put my name and address on there and my email address. It's not like it matters, I'm just coding. But i put my old address like the house i was found dead in, yeah that address.

"Well, well, well. Look at this cute thing." i turned around and grabbed my sword pointing it at the voice. It's a force of habit. "Woah! Calm down lady, how in the hell do you have a Sword in here? This isn't a fantasy game sugar." I rolled my eyes. The tall guys stood in front of me one with short blue and red hair and dress in all yellow and a guy slightly shorter than him with purple and green hair dressed in all brown. Are they players?

"Are you guys players?" I asked Innocently and they practically drooled over me. Even with my two different colored eyes and just weird outfit they find me adorable, awesome. I can get tips on the game from these guys.

"No, but you are right?" The guy with blue and red hair asked. I giggled, "Yes I am. This is my first day in this game, and I really want to get some good tips about the game can you boys help me?" I asked with a puppy dog pout.

"Yes I can help!"

"No i want to help her! I seen her first!" They began to argue over who gets to help me it was annoying. I just sighed, "See you around guys. Bye." I smiled and hurried and ran away from them. Man, if all the guys are like that, I wonder how the battles are gonna be like?

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