Chapter One

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Jimin's Point of View


The raindrops hit the window pane of my room with a soft thud. My hands were shaking. I struggled to get out of his grip, but he just tightened it.

"Let... M-me... Go!!" I yelled, choking each words out,

"No can do,"

"You're mine." He whispered.

He strangled me until I started to run out of oxygen. He smirked at me.

"I see that you're dying,"

"I bet... You're going to ask for me to let go?"

"But I won't. No matter how loud or annoying your voice is." He said and stared at me straight in the eyes.

I stared back. And all I can see was black. It was plain black. No sadness, happiness or any emotion.

I stared at him. My eyes started to water slowly. And I saw his eyes soften a little.

"Why... W-why... D-did y-you d-do these t-t-to m-me?" I straggled to talk, hands on top of his hands,

"Why? You asked me why? YOU ASKED ME WHY I'M DOING THESE TO YOU?!" He yelled,

"I'M DOING THESE TO LET EVERYTHING INSIDE YOUR MIND! I'M DOING ALL OF THESE SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT I FEEL FOR YOU!" He yelled and tightened the grip on my neck, making my chance of passing out twice as much as before.

He stayed silent for a while. He stared at my eyes once again. But this time. There's an emotion in his eyes. Sadness.

And I passed out.


I woke up. Everything was silent. I struggled to open my eyes as my head felt dizzy.

I sat on the floor. And noticed that he was sitting at the corner of the room, staring at me.

I looked down. And I heard footsteps going to the door. And the door opened. Then closed.

I sat there. Thinking what made him do all these. Is he... Seriously in love... No.. I don't think "in love" is the right word... Obsessed? Yes. Is he seriously obsessed with me?

I sighed loudly. And I heard the door open.

"Here. Eat some. You must be hungry." He said in a monotone tone.

I nodded.

I started eating the food when somebody knocked on the front door downstairs.

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