Chapter Seven

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Suga's POV


My phone tinged when a messaged arrived. I took it and opened my phone.

One message from Jeon Jungkook. I clicked on it and he said, "Hyung. Can you come to my house? I need to tell you something." I replied, "Okay. On my way."

I hanged up as I entered my car. I felt a weird feeling inside me, as if something bad is gonna happen. I shook my head. Nothing's gonna happen today.

Once I arrived, I went out of the car. I looked around and looked up to the window. And I saw Jimin. I waved at him. And I was sure he saw me. But he walked away.

Maybe he didn't saw me.

I shrugged and knocked on the door. Soon it opened, revealing a sweating Jungkook.

"What happened?" He ignored me.

He opened the door wider and I went in. I was expecting a clean house. But it was mess.

Everything was a mess. I turned to Jungkook. And I saw him staring right through me.

Suddenly, I felt pain coming from my stomach. And when I looked down, blood was gushing out of my stomach.

I gasped because of the pain and realized... Jungkook just stabbed me.

"W-what..." I tried talking,

"It's your fault, hyung. You flirted with someone. Someone mine. I'm sorry."

"W-what? W-what are y-you t-talking about?"  I asked him,

"You flirted with Jimin! You flirted with Jimin! YOU FLIRTED WITH JIMIN!" He stabbed me each time he said a word.

And the blood gushed out even more.

"Jeon.... Jungkook... What happened... To the.... Old, cheerful... You?"

"The old, cheerful me? It's gone now, hyung. Its gone now. And it was Jimin's fault. He made me like this. He made me fall for his trap. And I love it."

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