Chapter Four

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Jimin's POV


We got in the place and I just followed him from behind, my eyes staring down. He suddenly stopped, making me bump against his back.

He jumped a bit, maybe not expecting I'll bump into him. He pulled me a bit to his side, holding my hand. Tightly.

He leaned in a bit to my ear,

"Pull yourself together."

I nodded and tried to relax myself. We sat at one of the chairs and noticed there were an extra of five chairs beside us,

"Are we waiting for someone?" I asked him,

"Yes." He answered.

I stared outside. I never knew, I could see the world after three months. I sighed and inhaled the sweet aroma of the cafe that smelled like fresh baked cookies.

I stared at my hands.

I gave a thought about what happened in the car a while ago.

"We're here. Pull yourself together. I only did that to wake you up. Nothing else."

The phrase "Nothing else" makes my stomach clench. It makes my heart hurt. Right... I still love him. After what he did to me, I still love him...

A group of voices suddenly went to our table and one of them suddenly shouted out loud,

"Hello, my friend!!" I looked up and saw an unknown person with a box-like smile,

"Hello, Kim Taehyung. It has been a while." He greeted,

"Oh come on! Stop being so formal!" He said and sat beside his chair.

And a pale man sat beside me. I noticed he seemed bored and tired. As if he doesn't want to come here,

"Oh! Who's this?" A man with a pink hair asked,

"This is Jimin. My boyfriend. Jimin, this is Jin. Jin, this is Jimin." He introduced me.

I nodded and shook hands with the pink-haired man a.k.a Jin.

The talking went on and on with either the man with a box-smile or the pink-haired man.

And to be honest, I find them interesting. I wonder if they're his friends.


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