Chapter Five

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Jimin's POV


I was silently sitting on my chair in front of him when somebody yelled.


A man with a blonde hair and have a very pale skin, same with the one sitting beside me, ran towards him.

He stopped and waved at everyone. I lowered my head and just stared in my hands. Somebody placed its hand on mine.

"It's gonna be fine." Somebody said,

"Who are you?" I asked him,

"I'm Suga. I'm Jungkook's friend. You're Jimin?" He responded,

"Yes." I nodded.

I looked in front of me and noticed Jungkook was staring at me with a disapproving look. I felt a sudden fear so I just looked down again.

The man who called Jungkook left, not knowing where he went.

After the meet up, some of the guys went home while some went somewhere.

The only one who was left was just me, Jungkook and Suga. And it was so awkward,

"Hyung? Me and Jimin will get going now. Thanks for hanging out with us." Jungkook stood up and went behind me.

He "helped" me stand up and held my hand. As soon as we got into the car, he closed the door beside him harshly.

Jungkook stared in front, not giving me a glance. But I can sense he was mad. Really mad.

"What the heck was that, Jimin?!" He yelled,

"W-what do you m-mean?" I stammered.

He scoffed and gritted his jaw, giving me a cold and disbelief look,

"What " what do you mean"? You were clearly flirting with Suga hyung!" He pointed out.

I jumped in my seat when he said Suga's name.

"N-no I'm not. H-he talked to me first." I said.

"Oh, come on! I clearly saw how he held your hand! And what's worse is that you didn't even pull away!"

He was shaking. Shaking in anger.

"I-I d-didn't want to be r-rude." I looked down and closed my eyes,

"Didn't want to be rude?! So you would let ANYONE touch you just because you didn't want to be rude?!" He looked at me.

He stared at me with anger and.... Jealousy? I don't know. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to his face.

Jungkook's face was only inches away.

"Never ever talk to Suga hyung again because you are mine." He said each word clearly.

Before I realize it, he kissed me. But it wasn't one of his usual ones, the ones that were filled with love and passionate. His kiss was harsh.

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