» the oc tag

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creator: mikkiandnackk
was i tagged by anyone? no
am i doing this anyway? yes
am i adding my own questions? maybe

1. which oc has influenced you the most as a writer?

veronica martinez [ huntress ] , i wrote that years ago but i feel like thats when i stopped writing trashy self inserts ocs (theres only one book thats really old and bad with a self insert oc thats still on my profile for some reason)

2. which oc do you think you've done really well with?

probably my newest oc, penelope hill [ kiss of deception ] because she's soo realistic and i tried to plan out her personality really carefully so she would be a really vivid and clear character.

3. which oc do you think needs more work?

obviously leah friar [ the other friar ] because i was like 13 or 12 when i wrote

but also valentina duval [ as old as time ] because she's way too weak as a character and i really want to rewrite that book and make her stronger (?)

4. which oc do you relate to the most?

none of them honestly

5. which oc is very out of your comfort zone, significantly to you as a person?

lola danvers [ drop dead diva ] because i made her as childish and immature as i could so you could watch her grow as a character and mature.
so i guess her at the beginning of the book at least!

6. which oc would you most like to be and why?

i'm mean so all my oc's are damaged and i would not want to be any of them honestly but i guess kala [ ocean eyes ] because she's a princess duh

7. which ocs aligns with a tv show / movie chafacter?

matilda murphy [ banshee ] was based off of lydia martin's powers, but they have a very different personality.

8. which oc would you definitely not want to be?

celeste [ lady danger ] because she's stuck on sakaar and the only way she can get out is to kill an infamous god she (kind of) likes

9. who was your first oc ever created?

yikes... leah friar [ the other friar ] if you want to have a good laugh at a trashy, shitty fanfic, check it out i guess

10. which oc has the most development?

i have a few i want to name;
alexa jensen [ roll of thunder ] her development and growth is really slow, but that's what i like most about it!

lola danvers [ drop dead diva ] i made her purposely annoying at first so she could mature throughout the book.

remus [ banshee ] my poor misunderstood, taken for granted, baby

11. which oc has gone the darkest?

alexa jensen [roll of thunder] is dragged into the supernatural world, so she forces herself to fit in and become just as strong and skilled as the rest, and develops a little dark side.
is that a spoiler? whoops

12. most hated oc?

leah friar because she has no personality and valentina duval because, again, i made her too soft

13. most loved oc?

100% flash peterson [ lone wolf ]
i deadass love him so much because hes so witty and charming.

also samantha lahey [ rich kids league ] i love how outgoing and up for everything she is! and her pop culture refrences!

14. what action / quote does your oc do that you're most proud of?

deadass everything that matilda [ banshee ] does a few chapters into the book.

15. favourite pairings?

flash + hope
[ lone wolf ]
aka my favourite slow
burn, angsty couple

samantha + hunter
[ rich kids league ]
they're so! exciting!
and they're never boring when
they're together.

natasha + thorne
[ prince charming ]
they're both so badass
and damaged and ahh
i love them together

16. most damaged oc?

honestly? maria delmar [ the delmar girl ] but also shes so precious and tries her best to support her family financially

also matilda murphy [ banshee ] she has been through soooo much shit and still remains sane ? how?

and how could i forget riley maxwell [ couple of kids ] a literal child with a shitty mother

those are just to name a few....
i'm a monster ;)

17. favourite brotp you created?

peter + penelope
[ kiss of deception ]
they have the best older sister / younger brother esc friendship and theyre both so pure and soft and i love them

and i tag everyone reading this!

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