05. - New follower

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waenggyu liked your photo.

waenggyu retweeted your photo.

waenggyu liked your photo.

waenggyu retweeted your photo.

waenggyu liked your photo.

waenggyu retweeted your photo.

waenggyu liked your photo.

waenggyu retweeted your photo.

waenggyu liked your photo.

waenggyu retweeted your photo.

waenggyu liked your photo.

waenggyu retweeted your photo.

"who the hell is waenggyu?," she whispered to herself as she scrolled down her notifications on twitter. she checked waenggyu's account and found one tweet which was just 10s ago.

@waenggyu's tweet

and the rest of his/her timeline is clean. his/her icon is a picture of sky, the same with his/her header. she felt weird, especially when she found out that he only follows one person and that is her. number of followers is zero. the account was made this month and she's starting to feel uncomfortable.

it might be the dumbest decision for her but still, she decided to slid to her inbox and messaged that waenggyu.

before she could type anything, she saw three dots inside the bubble on the left side of the chatbox, meaning the user of that waenggyu is typing something. ynismyname cursed.

'who the hell is this waenggyu?!'

ynismyname: excuse me?


ynismyname: i don't wanna be rude
ynismyname: but who the fuck are you?


ynismyname: why are you retweeting my photos? you stalker


ynismyname: okay bitch yeah i know


ynismyname: stalkers wouldn't admit that they are stalkers


ynismyname: so i am assuming that you are a stalker.


ynismyname: can you not?!


ynismyname: i'll block you
ynismyname: LEGIT

waenggyu is typing...

ynismyname: you stalker
ynismyname: you're creepy
ynismyname: soobin if this is you
ynismyname: stop doing this
ynismyname: i'll kill you

waenggyu: Hi.

ynismyname: tf?

waenggyu: Sorry for giving you the wrong meaning. I'm just new to this app so I don't know what am I even doing.

ynismyname: bruh?
ynismyname: you don't know teeter
ynismyname: i mean twitter?

waenggyu: Not that much.

ynismyname: are you a kid?
ynismyname: when did you born?

waenggyu is typing...

ynismyname: are you an oldie?

waenggyu: Is it still necessary to know?

ynismyname: k bye

waenggyu: 2001

ynismyname: wow
ynismyname: so you're like 20 or 21?
ynismyname: people at your age should know these kind of stuff.

waenggyu: 21


waenggyu: I am not one of that people.

ynismyname: girl or boy?

waenggyu: Huh?

ynismyname: i need it so just answer it. what is your gender???

waenggyu: Boy.

ynismyname: oh boii

waenggyu: Why?


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