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ynismyname: how's my internet friend going?

ynismyname: I haven't receive any messages from you

ynismyname: you totally about forgot me

ynismyname: bye

ynismyname: i'm hurt


waenggyu: I have good news.

ynismyname: what is it?

waenggyu: The girl I like starts to talk to me again.

ynismyname: wow congratssss

waenggyu: I think she doesn't hate me anymore.

ynismyname: hmm good thingggg

waenggyu: Do you think she still likes me?

ynismyname: she liked you?

waenggyu: She told me that she did.

ynismyname: oohhh

waenggyu: What do you think?

ynismyname: i don't wanna give you false hope
ynismyname: and at the same time, I don't wanna let you down
ynismyname: but i can't give you answers
ynismyname: try to ask her without her noticing hahaha

waenggyu: Will that work?

ynismyname: i think

waenggyu: Thank you! ❤️

ynismyname: np

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