25. - Saturday

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hndsmsoobin: i'll be there in 5 minutes

ynismyname: okiee i'm done preparing

[Conversations switches to waenggyu]

ynismyname: heyoo

waenggyu: What are you doing right now?

ynismyname: i'm going out with my best friend hahaha

waenggyu: Who?

ynismyname: you don't know him but his name is Soobin


ynismyname: hey i need to go
ynismyname: he's here

waenggyu: Take care.

ynismyname: hahaha of course i will

ynismyname is now offline.

You opened the door, revealing the tall boy you are expecting to come. He automatically smiled and pinched your cheeks. "Hi!"

You laughed. "Hi! Dad told me to come to him before leaving."


Your dad told Soobin few advices about you, which is not new to his ears. Before 6 PM, you should be at home and the current time as of now if 1 in the afternoon.

Soobin brought you to the mall. Both of you watched a movie in cinema and ate at a restaurant after it. It was all his treat. Most of the time, you will share the bills but today is different. He must have got his allowance today.

"Can we go to the department store for a a bit? I'm just going to buy the sweatshirt I've been looking before."

He nodded. "Yeah, we still got time."

Once you entered the store, you went to the sweatshirt sections. You picked two wears that have the same design but different sizes. Meanwhile, Soobin is looking around for shoes.

While the fitting room is still occupied by the customers, you sat on the chair in front of it, in which a boy whose age is just around as yours is sitting on the other side of the chair.

The boy was just staring at the door of the fitting room until he turned his head to you. He is wearing a mask and a cap but you could still manage to see his eyes that widens after seeing you.

You panicked. "S—Sorry, was this seat occupied?"

The boy was too stunned by your presence that he didn't notice that he was already staring for that long.

"Are you okay?"

He slowly shook his head. "T—The seat is free." then he looked away.

Yes, it is Beomgyu.

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