22. - Accident

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ynismyname: aren't you going to put your face on your profile picture?

waenggyu: I just like how it is right now.

ynismyname: weird

ynismyname: try to add something on your bio

waenggyu: It's fine. My account is fine.

ynismyname: it's quite unpleasant

waenggyu: I didn't make it to please people. I made this for someone.

ynismyname: ??

ynismyname: so your acc serves as your rant acc?

waenggyu: Yes.

You invited waenggyu to video call.
Video call is starting.

"Oh shit." you heard someone hissed from the phone. The screen was shaking and getting blurry. The one who holds the phone blocked the camera and quickly looked for the red button to end it as soon as possible.

Video call has ended.

Even though it was fast, you saw his eyes that were in shock. You smirked. He looks so familiar.

ynismyname: LOL

waenggyu: Why did you do that?

ynismyname: Not my fault. I just tried to call you. I never thought that you would go panic and accept it.

waenggyu: 😣


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