07. - Weird

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you woke up from the continues sound that your phone creates. when you turned on your phone, you found flooded messages from soobin and still continues. meanwhile, a different message from someone didn't escape from you.

it was from taehyun.

waenggyu: Good morning. Have you eaten?

your smile faded as soon as you read his message. the line that you used to read two years ago is back, but the difference is, it is from someone you just met last night.

in annoyance, you ignored his message and opened instead to soobin's.

hndsmsoobin: yah

hndsmsoobin: wake up

hndsmsoobin: you forgot to turn off your wifi

hndsmsoobin: bet your battery was drained

hndsmsoobin: heyyy

hndsmsoobin: good morning hello


ynismyname: what's with the noise?


hndsmsoobin is calling you...
Accept • Decline

ynismyname: hello?

hndsmsoobin: good morning

ynismyname: i'm sleepy

hndsmsoobin: i said good morning

ynismyname: *snores*

hndsmsoobin: *sighs*

hndsmsoobin ended the call.

ynismyname: hahahahaha
ynismyname: just kidding
ynismyname: good morning soobinie my friend

hndsmsoobin: ew

ynismyname: eWwW

hndsmsoobin: did you eat?

ynismyname: for pete's sake, i just WOKE UP

hndsmsoobin: oh

hndsmsoobin: hahahaha, get up. you should eat

ynismyname: i know

hndsmsoobin: i miss you

ynismyname: lol why do u keep saying that word

hndsmsoobin: because i do

ynismyname: you're really acting weird

hndsmsoobin: is it wrong to say that 'i miss you'?

ynismyname: nope, but it seems like this is not you

hndsmsoobin: hays

hndsmsoobin: when will you ever realize? | DELETE

ynismyname: bye byeee

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