08. - Tweet

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    When the sun rises, I always find you. When the moon shines, I think of you. When the night comes, I imagine the stars as you.

You followed waenggyu.
You liked waenggyu's tweet.
You retweeted waenggyu's tweet.

you tilted your head as you read his tweet for the third time. your lips turned into a curve while you were typing something in your chatbox.

ynismyname: someone is learning to use the app


ynismyname: you deserve likes and rts

waenggyu: Did you like it?

ynismyname: like what? the quote?

waenggyu: Yes.

ynismyname: yeaaah! did you think that quote or you searched it?

waenggyu: I made it 🙂

ynismyname: wow wow wow
ynismyname: inspireeeed HAHAHHAHA

waenggyu: 😀

ynismyname: wait
ynismyname: you're dedicating it to someone you like?

waenggyu: Yes, I do.

ynismyname: WOW CONFIDENT

waenggyu: But I'm not when it comes to her.

ynismyname: ASKDJSHGA

waenggyu: Why?

ynismyname: you're a scaredy boy
ynismyname: you haven't even confess to her, don't you?

waenggyu: Not yet.

ynismyname: what is her name?


ynismyname: yow?

waenggyu: I can't tell it to you.

ynismyname: why is it again????

waenggyu: You didn't even tell me about that boy and you're asking me about mine? Unfair.

ynismyname: WHAT

ynismyname: you don't have to know anything about him.
ynismyname: all you have to know that he is a jerk

waenggyu: Tell me about yours and I'll tell you about mine.


waenggyu: Deal?

ynismyname: wut

waenggyu: What

ynismyname: come onnnn

ynismyname: naaah, forget it. i'll just imagine about her face

waenggyu: Why don't you share it to me? Why do you hate that boy so much? What did he do to you to make you react like that?

ynismyname: it's a long horror story

waenggyu: I have a lot of time to listen.


waenggyu: Silence means yes.


waenggyu: So is it a yes?

ynismyname: 😫

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