40. - Finally

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hndsmsoobin: Happy graduation! 🎓

ynismyname: 😒

ynismyname: you coming?

hndsmsoobin: of course not

hndsmsoobin: today's my graduation too, silly!

ynismyname: just kidding!!

ynismyname: i know HAHAHAHHA

ynismyname: happy graduation soobinie

hndsmsoobin: finally! what are your plans, anyway?

ynismyname: my plan? i'm gonna fix my hair
ynismyname: bc dude i'm gonna be late if we keep talking

hndsmsoobin: hahahahhaa should we see each other before we go to our schools?

ynismyname: ayeeee
ynismyname: you don't have to
ynismyname: i'm gonna be so busy
ynismyname: i will not be able to take care of you

hndsmsoobin: wew

ynismyname: see you after grad

hndsmsoobin: see you bye love you as a friend

ynismyname: excuse me
ynismyname: BEST FRIEND

hndsmsoobin: yeah whatever

ynismyname: bye bestfriend wuv u too as a friend ew


The day has come where all the efforts you've poured for the past years will be paid. You looked at your reflection in the mirror and fixed your hair again. You're ready to go. You're just waiting for your dad's signal.

While waiting in the living room, you checked your inbox if there is any messages from Beomgyu but you see none. Even Taehyun, he didn't greet you as well. You can't deny that you are quite disappointed.

Throughout the trip to your school, you're eyes were always focused on your phone. The ceremony has ended and yet, there's still no sign of Beomgyu.

Did he got engaged again?

As you throw your mortarboard above, you think nothing but him, him and him.

"Why so lonely?" Your dad hugged you. He probably saw you frowning since you entered the school.

"Is it because of Soobin?"

You sighed. "Nope."

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy?"

"I'm happy." You smiled widely and yet you turned to look like a child who got no choice when her mom asked her to smile as she takes her a picture. "See? I'm happy?"

"Now that you've graduated, your world has become bigger. You'll meet more people as you grow. You just become a woman!"

You pouted. "I'm still your baby, dad."

He pat my head. "Since you gave me the favor I asked you since you were a child, I'm allowing the boys you like to court you. But they still have to pass through me before they get my girl."

You looked away, feeling the heat slowly rising up on your cheeks. The first person that comes in your mind is Beomgyu. I don't think he likes me enough to court me.

"Will it be Soobin?" he raised a brow. Both of you started to walk along the field as you find your way to the parking lot.

"OMG, no! Soobin is my best friend."

"Speaking of," dad stopped from walking, making me lift my head to the front. Soobin is standing in front of us, but the thing is, he is not alone. He's with a girl. A girl that I've never saw before.

"Hi, Mr. Yang!" he greeted. He shifted his gaze to you and grinned. "CONGRATULATIONS!" then opened his arms widely, asking for a hug. You hugged him and greeted him back. "CONGRATS. Who is she?" You whispered.

He removed his hands from you and called the girl behind her. His smile went bigger and sweeted. Your forehead creased, waiting for his answer.

"This is Y/N, my best friend and that is his dad, Mr. Yang. Y/N... Mr. Yang... this is Jiwon, my girlfriend."

Your lips opened apart. "SOMEONE LIKED YOU?!"

Jiwon and Mr. Yang laughed while Soobin remained his eyes glaring at you. "How dare you!"


waenggyu: Happy graduation!

ynismyname: wow you remembered

waenggyu: Where are you?

ynismyname: i'm about to go home

waenggyu: Where are you exactly?

ynismyname: school's parking lot?

waenggyu: I'm here.

ynismyname: what
ynismyname: what are you doing here?

waenggyu: To see you.

ynismyname: wah
ynismyname: where are you?

waenggyu: Inside the car.

ynismyname: uh there are a lot of cars in here! this is a parking lot, remember?

waenggyu: I can see you from here.

ynismyname: UNFAIR!

waenggyu: I can't go outside.

ynismyname: why??

"Y/N, let's go." your dad rolled down the window. You bended your knees and looked for him. "Dad, wait a minute. I'm going to meet someone." His eyebrows furrowed.


Even Soobin and his girlfriend who are sitting at the backseat are waiting for your answer.

"Taehyun..." you grinned.

Later on, you saw Taehyun standing beside a car not far from your location. You waved your hand to him but he didn't even smile at you.

"Taehyun!" you called.

He looked at your from head to toe. "Y/N, right?"

You frowned. "You retweeted my pictures but you still didn't manage to recognize me?"

He scratched the back of his head. "Get inside." he pointed with his lips the backseat. Taehyun entered the driver's seat. You wondered why, but still followed him.

He isn't a kidnapper, right?

As you enter the car, the pleasing scent engulfed the room, making you smile a bit. "Wow, your car has a nice scent!" You complimented. However, his weird stare from the rearview mirror bugs you.

You turned your head to your side, not noticing the boy who is there. He's holding a bouquet of roses in his arms. His eyes sparkled the moment your eyes met. You inhaled for an air as you felt your heart bursting out of calmness.

You felt your soul left your body once he opened his mouth.

"Hi, I'm Choi Beomgyu. Nice to finally meet you, Y/N." His eyes turned into crescents, as a sweet smile plastered on his lips.


He slowly nodded. "Yes, love. This is me."

So this isn't a dream.

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