26. - Meet

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ynismyname: hey

Beomgyu's eyes froze on his seat when his phone sounded a bell. You awkwardly looked at him and smiled.

He checked his phone, only to see your username written on the notification banner.

ynismyname: yow

ynismyname: you're online

ynismyname: why aren't you replying?

Three consecutive sounds filled your seats. Once again, you looked at the boy beside you and glanced at his phone in his hands.

ynismyname: the boy beside me is weird


ynismyname: hey


Beomgyu quickly silent his phone and logged out his account on Twitter. Then, he put back his phone on his pocket.

waenggyu is now offline.

You pouted. What am I going to do now?

ynismyname: hey taehyun
ynismyname: waeng
ynismyname: where are you?

The door finally opened and the person inside it went out. You tilted your head as you look carefully on his face.

'I think I could be able to recognize you if we will meet'

The boy who is standing in front of you lifted his chin, which made him able to look at you. He shifted his gaze to the boy beside you and back at you. His doe eyes widened and his hand flew to his mouth.

"Taehyun?" You attempted.

Taehyun is too surprised to react. He doesn't know what to do. He glanced at the prince and asked for his help through eye contact. But Beomgyu shook his head, wanting Taehyun to take over the situation.

'Are you sure?' he mouthed.

Beomgyu raised his eyebrows as a 'yes'.

"Y—Y/N?" he stuttered, still glancing at the prince.

You stood up from your seat and smiled. "Oh my gosh, I knew it was you!"

Taehyun awkwardly smiled. "Y-Yeah."

"Uh..." You turned your head to the boy who was beside you. "You can go first." You told him.

Beomgyu gulped, his eyes not leaving you. He still cannot believe that he'll meet you. Seeing you in front of him seems like an imagination. He could still clearly remember the days when you were still dreaming about each other. It might be cheesy but it is the only safest way he knows to see you.

"No, it's okay. You can go first," he said.

"No really, I'm okay. You can—"

"Y/N." You turned your head to see Soobin shifting his gaze to your direction. "Are you done? It's almost 6."

"Oh, Soobin. Here's Taehyun, the one I am talking to you." He furrowed his eyebrows, slowly remembering the internet friend you are talking about.

He just nodded, the same with Taehyun. Meanwhile, Beomgyu looked at Soobin intently.

"So he's the bestfriend?" he whispered to himself.

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