TNL x Ch: 3

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Days Later...

Dashawn's Confessional: Today I woke up in hopes to get the process started on getting Quez out. Darius has been working hard to get this shit straighten out.

Quez has to appear in court today and of course, it's about to be a long day. Darius told me that district court is the longest type of court day. I'm not prepared to be sitting for too  long.

I got out of bed and started my day with a cold shower because of this sumner heatwave. After my shower, I did all my hygiene shit. I was told to look presentable in the eyes of the courtroom.

I just settle for a simple royal blue suit and some brown Steve Madden dress shoes with gold accessories to match. After I was done, I headed down to make some breakfast.

Darius wasn't in the kitchen this morning because he was at the courthouse preparing for Quez's case. After breakfast, I put the dishes in the sink and headed out. I hopped in my car, and went to the courthouse.

=========At The Courthouse==========

Dashawn's POV: After going through the medal detectors, I spotted Darius by the elevator talking on the phone.

"What you mean you lost the files?" Darius yelled into the phone. When he saw me walking up, he ended the call. "Look, find the files and have them to me by the end of the day. I got to go."

"What was that all about?" I asked, confused. He just shook his head and continued, "My assistant lost the files to another case that I'm working on."

We just chopped it a little bit before it was time to head into the courtroom.

=========In The Courtroom==========

When we got in the courtroom, we sat in the reserved seating near the front of the courtroom. When we sat down, the deputy sheriff came out and spoke to the courtroom

"Good morning. We are in courtroom 1150 and is being judged by judge Harris and we will remain quite during the duration of the courtroom session." I looked at this bitch like who you talking to hoe?

"Furthermore, if you have any cell phone or electronic device, please put it on silent or turn it off. If it goes off, we will confiscate it. Are we clear?" She asked. Everyone in the courtroom said yes ma'am except for me. I'm just here to make sure my man- my best friend is good.

Right after her speech, the judge came out and the deputy said ALL RISE! As we stood up, we waited for the judge to be settle in her seat. "You may be seated." Judge Harris spoke

We had went through a lot of cases and I think Quez is next. "Next case!" Spoke Judge Harris. Quez had walked out in an orange jumpsuit and shackles. "So we have North Carolina v. Marquez Gatewood. In the act of Attempt First degree murder. Whom will be defending you this afternoon Mr. Gatewood?" She asked.

He was about to open his mouth when Darius interrupted...."Me, your honor." Darius walked through and next to Quez. "Mr. Bennett, this better be good." Judge Harris said to Darius.

After Darius put all the evidence on the table and presented it to the judge, questioned the witnesses and had a five minute recess, it was time for the final verdict.

"Jury, how do you find the defendant in the court of first degree murder?" She asked the jury. I was nervous as hell because, this determines his freedom.

The white lady from the jury stood up in front of the courtroom and spoke the two words that I've been dying to hear since I got in here. "Not guilty." The whole courtroom blew up in cheers. "Order in my court." She said, as she slammed the gavel down.

"Me. Gatewood, your charges have been dropped and dismissed. You will be released within 2 hours.

===========2hours later============

Marquez's Confessional: After hearing the jury say that I was guilty, it was like a weight was lifted off of me. I couldn't go down as a murderer and I didn't even do shit.

I couldn't have gotten to this point if it was for my nigga Darius and my baby boy Shawn. Them two is all I can thank right now. My moms and pops came through too. Right now, I'm being processed out. Darius said they'll be waiting for me when I get out.

When I walked out, there was my mom and pops. I was exited to see them but I was looking for Shawn and Darius.

"I missed you so much baby." My mama said crying. I hugged her and my pops. "I missed y'all too." I spoke. Looking over my shoulder, i seen Shawn and Darius approaching.

I dapped up Darius and Shawn. "I can't thank you enough Darius!" I confessed. We just chopped it up and I was starving.

"Aye ma, I'm gonna ride with Shawn and them. I'll be home later I promise." I said to my mama. We hugged one more time and I dipped out.

===========Later That Night=========

Dashawn's Confessional: Me, Quez and Darius just got back in from Waffle house. I think Quez's parents said it was cool for him to crash at my house tonight because, he said he staying the night with us.

Darius said he was going out for drinks with this girl he just met. So that left me and ourselves.

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