Chapter 3 | With You |

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"What did what feel like?" The kid looks up through his shaggy hair.

"Killing that girl." Emma wants to say something but is too shocked at Roman's comment. Even for Roman this was far.

"I didn't kill her." He looks between the two of them. "I figured it was you." His eyes land on Roman.

"Me? Why would I kill her?"

"Why are you out here late at night with a girl?" The gypsy hits him back.

"People say you're a werewolf." He dodges the question.

"Do you believe every rumor you hear?"

"Are you sure it wasn't you?" Roman is a little calmer now, but not completely.

"You can try and contain your disappointment." The two boys maintain eye contact until Peter holds out his hand. "Peter Rumancek."

"Roman Godfrey." He shakes Peters' hand. "Emma." He nods towards her. Peter gives her a nod and she returns it.

"Now that we've made our introductions, can someone please tell me why we're still here," Emma says in a pleading voice. "It's cold."

"I had a dream." The two boys say together. The moment is interrupted by police sirens and lights. She hears Peter mumble a fuck under his breath. Emma doesn't panic, she never panics about trouble when she's with Roman.

The cops get out of the car and walk towards them, flashlight out. "You know it's a school night." One of them says.

"I'm a night owl." Roman replies with a grin on his face.

"What are you kids doing out here?" The other one asks.

"Having a conversation." Roman replies.

"About what?"

"The impending doom of death."

"Sure you were." The cop approaches flashlight out. "Now what are you really doing?"

"Mourning a classmate, doing drugs, weird threesome, blood pact, take your pick," Roman says laughing.

"Okay, come onetime to go." The other cop approaches.

"Come on," Roman looks at the smaller one. "You know my old lady's going to be a pain in the balls."

"His old lady is going to be a pain in the balls." He repeats. His partner looks over to him shocked.

"It's true." Roman holds his stare.

"It's true." The man repeats and returns to the car.

"Creepy fucker." The other one says before following behind to the car. Roman turns around, wipes under his nose then nods to Emma.

"Let's go," he calls to her.

"What the fuck was that?" Peter comes closer to Roman.

"What was what?" Roman replies.

"The thing, they did what you said." Peter's eyes are wide and his brows are pursed together.

"I just made an observation about my mother. I didn't know it would actually work," Roman lies.


The next day at school they all act like nothing happened, not even a hint of eye contact. At lunch all Emma's friends can seem to talk about is the dance that night, having already forgotten a girl had died.

"Did you hear what your man did today?" Ally whispers to her, none of the other girls notice. They don't, they continue on with their conversation about costumes.

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