Chapter 33 | Blood |

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Roman was too late by the time they got to school- Norman had told Shelley first. Emma had to let him have a few moments to slam his fists into the steering wheel before calming down. "Who gave him that right? Who told him he could tell her?" He keeps repeating it over, and over, and over.


He's calmed down his anger a bit once school lets out. The car races down the winding road again, both passengers glancing back to make sure they're not followed. They find Peter laying in the bathtub reading a book. He looks up, excited for some human interaction. "Hey."

"We have some presents for you," Roman hands him the large paper bag that Destiny had given him.

"Thank you," Peter grimaces. "Just what I wanted."

"And we brought food," Emma says revealing the greasy food she had hidden behind her back.

"Oh, thank god," he growls grabbing it and digging in. "I'm fucking starving," he moans with a mouth full.

"What do we need to do?" Roman asks him, clapping his hands. He's ready to get this started and ended. The way Destiny had spoken about it had struck him to the core. No matter what Peter was going to suffer. He didn't have to, but he would for the greater good.

They can hear the crunch of gravel under car tires. Roman runs to a window to peek out. "It's the police," he announces, looking around for an escape.

"How did they find us?" Emma asks.

"They must've followed you guys," Peter looks up anxiously. "I'll hide, get rid of them."

Roman and Emma look to each other for a solution. Further back in the church, Peter finds a hiding spot under a scaffold and some drop cloths. The can hear the faint noise of boots on the stones steps out front.

Emma grabs him and pulls him to a pew near the back. The doorknob turns and he pulls her in closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"What are you two kids doing here?" A mans voice echoes into the chamber. "You shouldn't be here." They both turn towards him, thankful it's not one of the guys from the other night. That would surely lead to a disaster.

"Oh y'know," Roman shrugs trying to think of something. "Just hanging out."

"In an abandoned church?"

"We were having sex, lot's of sex," she says struggling to stay stone-faced. "This is where we go to... uh... to..."

"In an abandoned church?"

"She has a thing," Roman smiles before she kicks the back of his leg.

"Okay," the cop nods uncomfortably. "Well, be on your way, this is private property."

"It's... Technically my property?" Roman tries to sound more confident than he is.

"I know who you are. Don't make me write you a citation, Godfrey. Go home."

"Leave," Roman says gently. "Leave, forget that we were here, and never come back."

"You couldn't have started with that?" She hisses as the officer stumbles out.

"It was more fun this way," he giggles.

"I thought it was more fun that way too!" They hear Peter call out followed by the noise of him shuffling from his hiding spot.


Emma and Roman are silent as they observe Peter crawling around on the floor. He draws strange symbols on the floorboard, drops some coins, lights the candles. Striking a match, he drops it into the jar holding the leech. Squirming around, it burns to ash. Holding out his hand for Roman's, the two walk a circle around the candles. Peter speaks in incomprehensible words- words that Emma assumes are Romani.

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