Chapter 20 | Haunted |

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"What the fucking fuck?" Emma shouts as soon as the doors open.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down," Destiny lets her in.

"No, what the fuck?" Emma is in such a frenzy it takes her a moment to notice she's not alone. "What was in that?" She whispers trying to backtrack her energy.

"Just some herbs, plants, and stuff," she replies, shrugging.

"Herbs? Plants? Stuff?"

"Just a little bit of salvia and some Ambien," Emma's jaw drops.

"You can't just give someone salvia. Or Ambien. Much less both at the same time!" She's getting tenser by the moment. "Plus, I already take Ambien! What if I had overdosed?"

"Well, you didn't. What's done is done," Destiny tries to soothe her. "Have a cup of tea. We'll talk." Emma nods and sits. She tries to breathe but she's fucking furious. She's not drinking the tea, though. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...

Emma sits on the other side of the table, as far away from Roman as physically possible. She gives Peter a nod instead of a hello and crosses her arms. Roman sits still, looking at her with as if she were a rotting corpse. Destiny returns with a teacup and places it in front of her. Roman still stares. She takes a deep breath for courage and looks up at him. "What?" She spits at him. He shrugs but doesn't look away.

"Okay, okay," Destiny tries to tame them, "children. We've got more important matters at hand."

"What happened?" Peter asks.

"Your cousin drugged me?" Emma says to him, enraged. "Look, I had some weird dreams, but that's pretty normal right now, so I don't know what to tell you."

"The same ones?" Destiny asks and Emma nods. "Nothing else? Nothing new?"

"I was at the steel mill at one point," she tells her, unsure of how much to reveal. "That's it. That was the only thing that was different."

"Was anyone with you?" Emma thinks for a moment.


"Are you sure?" Peter asks.

"Yes," she nods. "Just me."

"Did you see anything else?" He asks her.

"Just the weird snake thing."

"Alright," Destiny smiles to the table. "We've got our workout cut out for us."

"You actually think that this dream is reliable?" Emma asks, looking between the cousins. "It was salvia."

"It's the best we've got," Peter pats her shoulder and stands. "So the next full moon is next Thursday. That gives us some time to think through an attack plan. We should drive out there and you can show us where the ouroboros was in your dream. There might be something there."

"Okay," she says quietly.

"Then next Thursday, the three of us will kill this thing," Roman finishes for Peter.

"Hopefully," Peter adds.

"No?" Emma quirks her head to him. "I'm not coming."

"We need you there-" Peter starts.

"You tell me this thing wants to kill me then you ask me to go to it? I don't think so."

"Are you going to waste our fucking time, or go?" Roman asks, clearly annoyed with her.

"I guess I'm going to waste your fucking time," she replies back coldly then stands. She haphazardly throws on her coat and slams the door on her way out. The audacity of them to ask her to step into the belly of the beast boils her blood. She could expect it from Roman, but she thought better of Peter.

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